Unit 2b Health and Safety in the Office. Click to go to Sum up page Keep safe in the office Falling and tripping accident s Fire EmployeeEmployer Don’t.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2b Health and Safety in the Office

Click to go to Sum up page Keep safe in the office Falling and tripping accident s Fire EmployeeEmployer Don’t leave stuff lying Good cable management Keep area tidyProvide storage Follow health and safety regulations Provide appropriate equipment EmployeeEmployer No liquids at electric equipment Maintain equipment regularly Never overload sockets Regular fire drills No smokingNever block fire exits

Click to go to Sum up page Faulty Equipment switch off equipment – do not use till repaired put up notice warning others report fault using fault report form do not attempt to fix equipment

Click to go to Sum up page EXAMPLE OF REPORT FORM HAZARD/FAULT REPORT FORM Please use this form to report any faults/hazards Description of fault Identify machine/equipment Reported to Date Action taken Signature of person reporting fault Tip: know the type of information which would be required on a Hazard Report Form

Click to go to Sum up page First-Aid Procedures If you see an accident at work: contact a first-aider reassure the injured person talk to the injured person wait with them till help arrives complete an Accident Report Form and enter information in the Accident Book

Click to go to Sum up page EXAMPLE OF ACCIDENT FORM ACCIDENT REPORT FORM Name of person Date of birth Position Date/time of accident Description of accident Place of accident Details of injury Treatment given Taken to hospital? Witness/es Signature …………………………………………………… Date …………………………… Tip: know the type of information which would be required on an Accident Report Form

Click to go to Sum up page Health issues associated with admin work Health ProblemWhat could be done to prevent it Headaches and eyestrain Use of anti-glare screen Reposition VDU away from direct light Close blinds Arrange regular eye tests and pay for glasses Regular breaks and changes in activity Backache and RSI (repetitive strain injury) Use wrist rests Use adjustable chair with castors Regular breaks or changes in activity Check layout of workstation StressEnsure the operator has been trained Check operator’s workload

Click to go to Sum up page IMPORTANCE OF PROCEDURES Ensure the safety of employees Reduce the amount of time the equipment is out of action The appropriate forms should be available on paper or stored on the organisation’s INTRANET so that staff can access them when necessary. The use of a form allows all the necessary information to be collected It also allows staff to gather and process the information quickly Records should be stored for at least 3 years in case they need to be referred to in the future Allows the organisation to stay within the law!!

Click to go to Sum up page Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) Employer must  provide safe entrance and exit  provide health and safety training  provide safe, properly maintained equipment  provide protective clothing Employee must  take care for own health and safety and others in the workplace  co-operate with employer on health and safety matters  do not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety

Click to go to Sum up page Health and Safety (First- Aid) Regulations Employers must: Appoint someone to take charge of first-aid arrangements Train a first-aider Provide a first aid box Record all incidents

Click to go to Sum up page Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations Employers must analyse workstations to assess and reduce risks provide users with training Give regular rests or changes of activity arrange eye tests and pay for spectacles if required for computer Provide adjustable seating – height, back, castors, swivel, 5 legs Instal blinds on windows

Click to go to Sum up page RIDDOR Employers must Notify the authorities of death or major injury in the workplace keep records of reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence for 3 year Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations

Click to go to Sum up page To sum up, do you know about … Preventing Accidents Faulty Equipment Reporting an AccidentReporting an Accident Health Issues and how to prevent themHealth Issues and how to prevent them Importance of proceduresImportance of procedures Health and Safety at Work ActHealth and Safety at Work Act Health and Safety (First Aid) RegulationsHealth and Safety (First Aid) Regulations Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) RegulationsHealth and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (RIDDOR)Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations (RIDDOR) Click on the link to go back to the slide if you need to revise any of the above!!!