©2004, Patty Burke, Liz Arrington Entreprenuers Foundation Marketing Communications Roundtable Community Involvement: Internal Marketing Patty Burke February 1, 2005
– 2 – ©2004, Patty Burke, Liz Arrington Session Overview Why Community Involvement Matters Tips: Internal Messaging and Communications How To: Building Pride and Ownership
– 3 – ©2004, Patty Burke, Liz Arrington Why Community Involvement Matters EF CEO and employee survey show desired goals: Employee Motivation: –Outsourcing, offshoring create ‘us/them’ attitude –Employee passion and loyalty decreased; stock value, fears of lay-offs Improve Management Trust –Corporate greed and fraud suspicion –CEOs not respected as a category Team-building –Transient nature, cultural diversity of workforce – lack of cohesive sense of community
– 4 – ©2004, Patty Burke, Liz Arrington Why Community Involvement Matters 1. Consistent response from CEOs and employees: top benefit is employee motivation via improved company culture: –Sense of purpose, families together doing good things –Employee involvement, motivation, morale, retention –Team building, communication across levels 2. Employees perceive ‘Leadership’ as key benefit –Community involvement is a hallmark of a leading company –We look like a leader, CEO acts like a leader 3. ‘Giving back’ also consistently mentioned as employee motivation
– 5 – ©2004, Patty Burke, Liz Arrington Tips: Internal Messaging and Communications Keep it short Develop a program theme, ‘brand’ Repeat and reflect goals Show progress and plans Develop a regular update rhythm –Newsletter –Company meeting –Show CEO and executive support, but Must be ‘employee-driven’
– 6 – ©2004, Patty Burke, Liz Arrington Content: Building Pride and Ownership Focus communications content on employee and community impact –Sharing success stories and testimonials from participants –Sharing specific results from event or partnership –Demonstrating impact on larger needs of the community Internal Marketing is critical for program sustainability –Create a communications ‘loop’ –Build anticipation and expectation of ongoing success