European Commission Directorate General Information Society and Media Unit ICT for Transport Juhani Jääskeläinen, Deputy Head of Unit eCall: Car that can save your life eCall Expert Meeting, Budapest, March 23, 2006
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 Road Safety in Europe (1) The White Paper on European Transport Policy for 2010 Goal: To halve number of fatalities by 2010 Measures: –Shared Responsibility –Road Safety Action Plan (2003) –eSafety Initiative (2002) Mid-Term Review in February 2006: –Still over fatalities per year –Still over 1.7 million people severely injured in road accidents per year requiring urgent medical attention, many not know their position or may not be able to call
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 Road Safety in Europe (2) EU 25, Source: CARE Database
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 The pan-European eCall (1) Triggered automatically by the in-vehicle device or by vehicle occupants Builds on the single European Emergency number (112 and E112) Creates a voice link to the closest emergency centre (PSAP) and sends data message (Minimum Set of Data) including accurate location Challenges: –Pan-European interoperability –Building the location-enabled emergency service chain, including PSAP upgrades –Solving the business case for all stakeholders: users, automotive, telcos, insurance, emergency services
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 The pan-European eCall (2) The potential for lives saved Estimated by the SEiSS 1 Study, E- MERGE Project, U.S. data Confirmed by the Finnish Aino Study –4.7% lives saved on call delay only – when almost 100% penetration of mobile phones in Finland Further evidence being looked at –eIMPACT Project (DG INFSO) –Field Tests in the Member States? –Field Tests – EC FP7 (starting 2008) 1 Exploratory study on the potential socio-economic benefits of the introduction of Intelligent Safety Systems in Road Vehicles
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 eCall: Plan to succes
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 The eCall MoU The MoU aims at parallel commitment of all stakeholders towards full eCall Roll-Out: –The parties will actively contribute to development of implementation and business plans, and –Will define together an overall European work plan –Will work together under the eSafety Forum More than 60 signatures Including 7 MS, ACEA, ERTICO
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 The 2 nd eSafety Communication Bringing eCall to Citizens Adopted on 14 September, 2005 Significant progress towards the full-scale roll-out of eCall has been achieved But: Roll-out can be delayed if the national and regional governments do not invest in the necessary infrastructure for eCall
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 Actions for the Member States 1.The Member States should sign the eCall MoU –Lack of signatures threatens to delay the eCall implementation and weakens the commitment of industry 2.The Member States should promote 112 and E112 –the Member States should promote the use of 112 and take steps for accelerating the introduction of location information in their public wireless networks 3.The Member States should upgrade their PSAPs to handle location-enhanced E112 calls and eCalls –The infrastructure at PSAPs should be in place at the latest at the end of The Member States should provide adequate location- enhanced emergency services and language support –For maximum benefit, the whole emergency chain should be upgraded
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 Promoting eCall The Member States should set up national platforms for promoting eCall –The Commission will launch a promotion campaign on 112, E112 and eCall and organise conferences The Commission will propose establishing a sub-group dealing with public safety and emergency communications under the Civil Protection Committee All stakeholders should support the work of the eSafety Forum and the eCall Driving Group The European Standardisation Organisations ETSI and CEN, with the support of ITSSG should provide the necessary standards
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 Next Steps (1) European Parliament Report on eCall – TRAN Committee – strong support for eCall –Rapporteur Mr. Gary Titley –TRAN vote on 21 March 2006: 32: +, 3: -, 2: 0 –Plenary vote in April 2006 i2010 HL Meeting, Helsinki September 2006 eCall Implementation Status Report –Discussions at the December 2006 TTE Council - Finnish Presidency –Council Conclusions on the next steps and actions at the February 2007 TTE Council – German Presidency
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 Next Steps (2) Negotiations with the automotive industry on the voluntary implementation of eCall in all vehicles started in 2007 Report on the Negotiations Result with the automotive industry –2 nd TTE Council under the Portuguese Presidency, end of 2007 Decision on voluntary/regulatory approach
eCall Budapest 23 March 2006 eSafety Mail Box: Mailbox of the Unit: eSafety Web-site: mes/esafety/index_en.htm eSafety on CORDIS website: eSafetySupport website (eCall toolbox) More information