What is UEMS? 50 year old organization, seated in Brussels, representing all medical specialists (not GP:s) in Europe. It operates through a Council, an Executive Board, Specialist Sections & Boards and the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (“EACCME”). There are currently 37 specialist sections within the UEMS. To be considered an independent UEMS speciality, it must exist in 1/3 of EU-countries (currently at least 11 countries), AND it must be mentioned on the European Commissions list over medical specialities
What is UEMS? The Council makes all decisions, and is a reference group for the European Commission. It is made up of 2 delegates per National Medical Associations. The financing of the UEMS activities is covered by an annual compulsory fee from each National Medical Association the UEMS Specialist Sections and Boards meets once yearly, represented by their President and/or their Secretary. The executive board then gives information and asks for comments from S+B on current issues. No voting rights! The Sections are also represented by 3 groupings; the “internal” specialties, the surgical specialties and the technical specialties (us). These groupings meet before the general S+ B meeting, and are asked by the Executive Board to discuss certain questions in detail, and then give their opinion during the general meeting. Svanborg is currently the president of grouping 3. The grouping presidents are also admitted as observers to Council meetings, but may only take the floor when the President expressly asks them to do so. The presidents of the groupings are also asked to participate in UEMS working group meetings.
What is a UEMS section? The various Specialist Sections represent the interests of their particular specialty. Any specialty may apply to Council to create its own Section if it is recognized as an independent specialty in at least 1/3 of the Member States. The UEMS council suggests a new speciality to the EC, if one country suggests it, and 2/3 of the council members approve. Once you are on the European Commission´s list, you do not drop out, even if the speciality does not exist as independent in 1/3 of EU countries! Good news for CN. We got on the list in This implies that we as specialists in CN have the right to free movement within the EU-countries. Every Section has the right to create its own Board to address scientific and training interests. Each Section decides on the date and place of its meeting. Some Sections meet twice a year, some only once a year. IMPORTANT: section delegates should be approved by their National Medical Associations! The national specialist societies should report the names of their appointed UEMS-delegates to NMA. UEMS strongly recommends NMA:s to give economic support to section delegates who participate in section meetings (currently up to 1000 Eu in Nordic countries). Otherwise, the cost for the sections activities must be paid by their National specialist societies. The section´s secretary should send the minutes of the meeting to UEMS Brussels office.
What have we done? Most important: Harmonization of postgraduate specialist training between the European countries. Currently a Working group on post-graduate training, which will issue a Charter to update the current general demands on specialist training in Europe. Each section has been asked to specify it´s recommendations, and as a result… The section for CN wrote a Core Curriculum during 2007, which is now on the UEMS homepage. The history of CN also represented in the UEMS 2008 Yearbook (special 50 years edition). There is also a working group on the Future Structure of the UEMS, Svanborg member. We are going over the Statues and Rules of Procedure, to improve the cooperation between the Council and the Sections, e.g. concerning voting rights. EACCME: a body of UEMS. Its function is the granting of accreditation of CME activities at the European and International level for the benefit of specialists. Aim: to recognise high-quality European education. Strict rules for organisers of activities, e.g. concerning sponsorship. It works closely with both the National Regulatory authorities for CME and/or CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and also the specific expertise of the Sections and Boards. Close cooperation with USA so that European CME and CPD activities will equal American. Harmonization! To get accreditation: go to UEMS homepage/EACCME/online application form. Lots of discussions about working time Directive for physicians. No decisions taken.
Core curriculum for CN Is found at Written during 2007, published January Comments from Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden CC written with the aim of regarding CN as independent, basic speciality, even if it is a side speciality to neurology in several European countries. Training period suggested to be 5 years. Advise from UEMS executive board; if less = side speciality. Living document, may and should always be changed. Must be regarded as recommendation, has no legal implication, but could be used by national CN association in battle with government (which will probably want less training).
Glasgow declaration 2007 – Postgraduate training European Board Examinations are complementary to National Examinations, where they exist. Countries which do no have their own examination are encouraged to consider using the appropriate European Board Examination. A European Board Examination is regarded as a quality mark for independent practice at the end of specialist training, but passing such an examination does not give a right to practice in any UEMS country. Such rights are granted solely by the relevant National Authority All European Board Examinations shall publish both a syllabus and minimum requirements for the examination 12 specialist sections, e.g. anaesthesia and neurosurgery, are currently setting up such examinations
What are we going to do.. Continue to work on Core Curriculum – living document. Add suggestions of log book. Survey the training requirements and access to postgraduate training in the member states Discuss the possibility of a European Board examination