Worldwide project Eco- School Started in 2009, this project is still in progress and its main objectives are to make students aware of the problems our world is facing, to emphasise that waste sorting is the easiest way to reduce gas emissions and save energy. A great number of students aged 8-18 have participated in a wide range of activities, as follows:
Designing ecological information boards
Eco-Parade Nicolae Iorga Highschool students organized an eco parade. In this parade students have worn clothes made from recycled materials. They wanted to show that we can save the world in many ways!
Earth Day Celebration- 22 nd April 2012 Objects made of recycled materials
Volunteering Collecting waste in nearby forests Planting trees and flowers on the school premises Building tree houses for birds and squirrels in the schoolyard Cleaning playgrounds in parks. Starting a campaign entitled : Donate Paper, Save a Tree!
Plant a tree for peace-SEPTEMBER 2012
Plant a tree for peace
Designing an Eco Guide Do`s Remove threatening icicles and street snow Plant spring flowers in the schoolyard Create places for pets in parks and cleaning playgrounds Collect waste separately in different areas of the city Don’t`s Use chemicals to remove snow Ignore the need for green places Ignore dirt Forget that resources are limited
Eco Leadership 2012-case study This project is a partnership with Greenitiative and it is meant to continue the work started in the Eco School Project. Its main goals are to raise students` awareness regarding waste sorting in order to save energy and reduce pollution and to persuade them to take action. During the project, participants will go through a number of stages, one of which will be a competition with appealing prizes for the most dedicated ones.
Steps to follow: Identifying an eco leader for each grade Finding available partners ( 5 other students) to form a team Making a PowerPoint Presentation ( using materials provided by Greenitiative) Initiating waste sorting competition Campaigning for waste sorting Giving an account of their activity Rewarding most efficient participants
The results There have been involved a number of over 400 students in the project They bought containers for each type of material (plastic/metal, glass and paper/cardboard) in each classroom They campaigned for waste sorting The winners of the competition won memory sticks, laptops and other prizes
Because of humans, an alarming rate of animals are becoming extinct every day. At this rate, more than half of the world's species will be extinct in 100 years. There are many reasons behind this. One reason is that people destroy their habitat for our needs. We cut down trees for our paper and furniture. We sometimes destroy their habitat by accident. We have had oil spillage that has killed large amounts of fish. Also, another reason is that people hunt animals. We hunt them for furs, food, and even medicine. These are some of the reasons why animals are becoming extinct.
What to do Unless we try to reduce the use of energy and natural resources, to reduce pollution, to plant trees, to collect waste separately, to preserve the natural habitat of animals and plants, some of the species will soon be gone forever.