JMRI Operations Part III So… You Want to Have a Steel Mill on Your Layout… JMRI Operations Part III
Today’s Agenda Not about “Steel Mill Modeling” per se That can be a life commitment… But you must be interested or wouldn’t be here! Is about “rail operations” serving a Steel Mill How can one: Represent the steel mill complex Represent the mill rail traffic Might be the Theme of the model railroad A GREAT way to tell a story & reason to run trains So, we’ll talk about Steel Mills & Rail Operations
Steel Mills & Rail Operations Steel Mills are big, noisy, fascinating places What are the parts and pieces? How much space Does it take? Do you have…? What about Raw materials? In plant materials? Finished products? What about the bigger context of a city’s railroad(s)? Operations can be the “tie that binds” this together…
Steel Mills & Rail Operations Can I apply JMRI to Steel Mill Operations? YES! JMRI Operations Software: Powerful Flexible Limited only by your ideas/imagination Hmmm… (might be a “life commitment”...) How can I use JMRI Operations software? Raw materials in In Plant switching Finished products out Tying to the rest of the model RR…
Let’s Take a Little Trip to Birmingham Birmingham, AL Didn’t exist in the Civil War… Founded at the junction of two railroads (1871) Developed as an industrial city The New South Continuing the Industrial Revolution “Railroad Reservation for Mechanical Enterprises” Unique natural resources Iron ore Coal Limestone All “within a rifle shot of each other”… Known as the “Birmingham District” in the iron trade Make Iron Make Steel
An Entire Industrial District 18 Miles Everything in one place! Can I do that? What do I need? Where can I learn? What are the parts? How does it work? What is “required” Coal Birmingham Limestone Iron Ore Bessemer = 1,100 ft. in HO say 28 acres in HO
Birmingham District Model RR Birmingham Steel “District” Iron & Steel Industries 8 Trunk RR’s + Industrials Interchange + passenger Yards Main “staging” Downtown pocket yard Steel Works yard Steel theme – “mine to mill” Iron ore Coal to coke Limestone Related industries Scrap, iron pipe, cement By-product (chemicals) Downtown industries 18 Miles
A view of the heart of the Birmingham industrial area including TCI / USS Ensley Works and Fairfield Works – 2 fully integrated steel mills and much, much more…
How Do I Model a Steel Mill? Lemme’ tell ya’ what’m gonna do! EVERYTHING you need in one place… Typical Steel Mill Birmingham Lots of other places
Limestone Limestone Iron Ore Raw Materials Coal Steel Making Coke Primary Rolled Shapes Coal Steel Making Secondary Products Coke Blooming Hot Rolled Products Typical Steel Mill Components Steam Era Birmingham District
Blast furnaces for iron (BF’s) 1928 - #5, #6 1942 - #7 1000 tons/day/BF (by 1950’s) Recipe per 1 ton iron 2.5 tons iron ore 1 ton coke ½ ton dolomite Cars @ 2000 tons/day/2-BF’s 72 ore cars 66 coke 34’ hoppers 16 dolomite 34’ hoppers Car ratios to (our) stock trestle 6 -- 22’ ore jennies 5 -- 34’ hopper coke 1 or 2 -- 34’ hopper limestone Coal to (our) coke plant 1.7 tons coal/1 ton coke 60 -- 34’ hoppers coal We have 2 BF’s Times 2,000 tons/day 13 Trains per Day! 8 Trains per Day!
Cars from BF to OH’s, say: Open Hearths for Steel 1928 – 8 OH’s 1942 – add 4 OH’s 400 tons/day/each OH About 2 heats per day Cars from BF to OH’s, say: 8 @75 ton hot metal cars 5 @125 ton hot metal cars To 600 ton mixer Plus scrap loads to floor Plus dolomite & misc. Plus slag cars to dump Output for 3 OH’s/day, say: 1,200 tons per day 150 @ 8 ton ingots (varies) 40 small 4 ingot flat cars More slag cars to dump We have 3 OH’s
Blooming Mill(s) -- pick one Ingot cars “in” Ingot mold stripping Overhead crane to soaking pits Ingot buggy to mill line Blooms or slabs out Move along to rolling mills
Have to make tough choices… How much room? What to “show” Building flats? Sidings? Your choice… And there’s MORE!
Coal Mine Iron Ore Mine Coke Plant Bessemer Converters In the 1950’s lots of school kids in Birmingham visited the Steel Works at Fairfield… Rolling Mills Power Plant
Resources Aerial Photos & Maps Plant layout drawings? HABS-HAER Historical? Current Local History Plant layout drawings? HABS-HAER Library of Congress Books at library Online “groups” Google Books online Process Concept drawings Don’t plan forever… Need to run trains… Charging Open Hearth Pouring Hot Metal at BF Pouring Slag at BF Blast Furnace #7 Open Hearth Charging Floor BF’s #5, #6, #7 Teeming (Casting Ingots) Blooming Mill Ingot Stripping Ingot Soaking Pit
Things to Think About… How much room do I have/need You can’t do it all… What do I want to include? Suggest starting with steel making Then consider processing = “big buildings & spurs” Don’t forget raw material sources/processing Whole buildings or flats? Some great operating layouts model “fronts” Consider “mock ups” to get started and check fit My main goal is to get a spur to a “place” Don’t be afraid of “imagination” & mockups Run trains now, build fine models later…
Now back to the reality of… September 28, 2008 Now back to the reality of… available space!
Birmingham District Model Railroad Overall space Downtown Birmingham Coke Plant AISLE Quarry Red Mountain Small Yard Coal Branch Birmingham District Model Railroad Overall space 13 x 33 10 x 14 Large folded dog-bone mainline Branch lines Main Yard Steel Works = 550 sf +/- Coal Branch
REACH Switching Lead Red Mountain Downtown Birmingham Main Yard Coal Branch Coke Plant Quarry Steel Works Parts Small Yard Crossing Switching Lead REACH REACH REACH REACH
??? Raw Materials = Branch Lines Steel Making Blooming Typical Primary Rolled Shapes ??? Steel Making ??? Secondary Products ??? Blooming Hot Rolled Products ??? Typical Steel Mill Components Steam Era Birmingham District
Things to Think About… Operations changes your point of view Focus may change from buildings to trains Train length perspective What looks good? 10 car trains – good goal What fits? 10 car siding – 5 feet log Yard tracks for trains 7’ minimum (5’ + eng. & cab) Each “stop” requires room Lots of spurs! Lots of cars! Steam era = shorter cars! 34’ hoppers vs. 60’ Where can I park this thing? No need to run if you can’t park Start thinking in “modules” of cars Maybe 4’s and 8’s – based on spur length, materials required Moving a train with purpose is fun regardless of length! More switching spots = larger car fleet! Remember: Switching takes R-E-A-L T-I-M-E!
Industrial Development Recruiters have landed a steel mill Site selection is complete Railroad coordination is in progress Surveyors are ready Engineering folks are busy “head scratching”… So, how does it all fit?
TCI Fairfield Works Birmingham, AL c. 1928 Schematic RM #1 Out Loads OUT TCI Fairfield Works c. 1928 Birmingham, AL Schematic OH Mix OH #1 Teem OH #2 Pour OH Charge OH Lead Open Hearth BM Out BM In Blooming Mill #2 #1 Blast Furnaces BF Stock Trestle Slag Hot Metal BF Lead Slag Dump Lead BF #5 BF #6 Slag Dump Coal Branch Steel Works Lead Scrap #2 Plant Scrap #1 Out Scrap Yard Main Joint Use Engine Terminal Fairfield Yard Lead Loads In Empties Out Steel Works Yard Downtown Siding Downtown Lead Quarry & Cement Plant Passing Siding Main To Downtown Yard & Industries Downtown Siding
Rolling Mill Coal Br. OH Teeming OH Charging Fairfield X’g. OH Mixer SW Lead Blooming Mill Fairfield Yard (FY) & Engine Terminal Quarry 18’ FY Lead (curves to left) Atlas Cement Slag Dump #5 Blast Furnace #6 Blast Furnace Stock Trestle
Where do the raw materials come from? How do they get to Fairfield Yard? Fairfield X’g. Fairfield Yard Lead Downtown Siding SW Lead Main Line Yard Lead joins Downtown Siding
Where’s JMRI Come In? Plan your work… Work your plan… See JMRI Part I & II Name each location Decide work to be done Decide cars required Consider process “loads” “Custom loads” needed? Location “schedules”? Take one material Make it work Work your plan… Start simple with JMRI Take baby steps Try it Test it Repeat it Go to next step Ask for help Use Yahoo Group Work with a friend
JMRI Tools Help Manual (“RTFM”) “Detailed” Build Report Online part of JMRI Can print to pdf Keep it handy Currently about 40 pages Not always clear Use Yahoo Groups JMRI Users Group Follow the rules Subject “Operations” Step by step Be ready to copy files VERY helpful folks “Detailed” Build Report LEARN to read the report Recipe to build a train Learn to read it Always the same parts Read in pieces SCAN for parts Your problem is there! See what program does Often becomes clear Think like a computer See left side of Screen!
Learn JMRI While You Have Fun! K.I.S.S. Rule Don’t try “all at once” Start out simple Use Random switching Then pick ONE… Industry Process “Next step” Get that to work Then do ONE more Birmingham District MRR Focused “random" switching Passenger trains Interchange trains Downtown Industries Staged trains Local Switchers Intermediate Yards Build & break yard work Multiple train logistics Complex processes
Consider an Example Coal mine service Could use “random” E/L’s Mine is a “location” Set it as a “spur” Spur will “swap” loads Empties in, loads out??? Set up a Mine Turn From a (say) power plant To your mine Back again Should do the job… BUT, What about… Different grades of coal? Multiple mines? A “next step” process? Add a coke plant Material flows one way Keep it moving? Requires “restrictions” Conditions on cars Conditions on loads Schedules for cars/loads JMRI can do it!
JMRI Example – Get Started Download software Setup software Set preferences Set File Locations Add Ops to Menu Coal Mine #1 SW Power
JMRI Example – Create Coal Train Power House to Coal Mine Create Locations Coal Mine #1 SW Power House Create Cars Create Route for “Turn” Place Cars 3 at Mine 3 at Power House Set Loads “Prime Pump” Loads at Mine Empties at Power House Restrict Loads Mine services “Empties” PH services “Loads” Create Train Name train Assign Route Build Train See what happened? SW Power Coal Mine #1 Train Sheet Pwr Hse Coal Turn Depart Pwr Hse w Empties Work Coal Mine Depart Coal Mine w Loads Arrive Pwr Hse S/O Loads
JMRI Example - Locations Power House to Coal Mine Create Locations Coal Mine #1 & Spur SW Power House & Spur Create Cars SW Power Coal Mine #1
JMRI Example – Create Cars Power House to Coal Mine Create Locations Coal Mine #1 & Spur SW Power House & Spur Create Cars Create Route for “Turn”
JMRI Example – Create Route Power House to Coal Mine Create Locations Coal Mine #1 SW Power House Create Cars Create Route for “Turn” Place Cars Coal Mine #1 SW Power
JMRI Example – Place Cars & Loads Power House to Coal Mine Create Locations Coal Mine #1 SW Power House Create Cars Create Route for “Turn” Place Cars 3 at Mine 3 at Power House Set Loads “Prime Pump” Loads at Mine Empties at Power House Restrict Loads
JMRI Example – Set & Restrict Loads Power House to Coal Mine Create Locations Coal Mine #1 SW Power House Create Cars Create Route for “Turn” Place Cars 3 at Mine 3 at Power House Set Loads “Prime Pump” Loads at Mine Empties at Power House Restrict Loads Mine services “Empties” PH services “Loads” Create Train
JMRI Example – Create & Build Train Power House to Coal Mine Create Locations Coal Mine #1 SW Power House Create Cars Create Route for “Turn” Place Cars 3 at Mine 3 at Power House Set Loads “Prime Pump” Loads at Mine Empties at Power House Restrict Loads Mine services “Empties” PH services “Loads” Create Train Name train Assign Route Build Train See what happened?
JMRI Example – Create & Build Train Successfully built train Imagine we ran the train WE moved cars WE might swap loads BUT the computer hasn’t YET… Have one more step TERMINATE TRAIN!
Let’s Review Planned “reason” for train “Work” for train to do “Locations” with “spurs” “Load options” on spur/loads “Cars” & placed them “Loaded” some of them “Route” “Train” “Built” and “terminated” Observed the results! Coal for power at SW’s Haul empties, loads, switch Places with “right” track Move coal in right direction Set up the game board Prime the pump Define “railroad” for JMRI A way to move “cars” Puts database to work Database moves cars/loads
Birmingham District MRR HO Scale Digitrax Control 33’x12+’ + 10’x14’ = 550 sf Folded dog-bone w/ 5 branches
Typical Delivery Scenario Mine to Mill Source Downtown Yard (DT) Fairfield Yard (FY) Steel Works (SW) Train Coal Br. (CB) (DT) MTs In Coal Out Switching Time Trains per day? (L&N) CB Turn COAL Trains per day? DT MTs In TCI Dolomite Out Switching Time DOLOMITE (L&N) DT Switch Quarry Coal In TCI Coke Out Switching Time DT Trains per day? COKE (L&N) CP Turn Coke Pl. (CP) Coke Plant Switching Session Time (“A Day”) Fairfield Yd (FY) Switching Time DT Trains per day? DOLOMITE COKE (TCI) FY Turn Red Mtn. FY MTs In Processed Ore Out Switching Time PROCESSED IRON ORE Trains per day? Iron Ore Mines Process Plant (TCI) RM Switch, then RM Turn Steel Works (SW) Fairfield Yd. (FY) Trains per day? Ingots In Slabs Out Switching Time Amount needed per train: 6 cars iron ore 1 car dolomite 5 cars coke (BF) Iron Ore, Coke, Dolomite (BM)Slabs from Bl’mg Mill (TCI) SW Turn (TCI) SW Switch Raw Mat’l In Slabs Out (BF) Slag, Hot Metal (OH) Scrap, Ingots, Slag LDs In MTs Out
Coal Branch Turn (L&N) Requires “long route” Switches coal branch DT YARD Coal Branch Turn (L&N) Requires “long route” Switches coal branch 3 mines Wye COAL BRANCH
Returns to Downtown Yard DT YARD COKE PLANT Coke Plant Turn (L&N) Downtown Yard Switches coke plant Coal in (via Downtown Lead) Empties in plant Coke out (via Main Line) Returns to Downtown Yard
FY to DT Turn Precedes SW Turn Coke and dolomite at DT Scrap DT YARD FY YARD Slabs FY to DT Turn Precedes SW Turn Coke and dolomite at DT Loads to FY Empties to DT Products out of Steel Works Products for market to DT Rails
Red Mtn. Turn Requires trackage on L&N Iron ore to FY RED MTN MINES YD Track FY YARD Red Mtn. Turn Requires trackage on L&N Iron ore to FY Follows RM Switch Mines Processing (sinter) Plant
Steel Works Turn Serves Blast Furnaces Classify at FY by type/load FY YARD Steel Works Turn Serves Blast Furnaces 3 grades ore, coke, dolomite Clears stock trestle Fills stock trestle Classify at FY by type/load Precedes Red Mtn Turn BLAST FURNACES
Steel Works Switch (TCI Plant RR) Advances materials thru plant BF Hot Metal to OH Mixer Scrap to OH Ingots to Blooming Mill Slag to dump Blooming Mill to Rolling Mill STEEL WORKS
Birmingham District MRR Blast Furnace Supply Logistics work sheet What trains need to run? Set up Ops Session Status of materials Loads & empties Status of hopper fleet Coal to Coke Lime-stone Hopper Car Status
Birmingham District MRR Interchange Trains Passenger Trains For Ops Session Sequence of material trains varies depending on need for materials at time of ops session Material Trains
What’s Next for YOU… Develop your steel story What to “include” Space available Interest/time frame Be creative What’s the train crew “see” At plant Away from plant Tie to rest of world Expect to run trains Expect to make changes Engage your friends Where, what, how Defines operations Techniques of our hobby Make your story fun for YOU Operation goals are “different” Track, “walls”, cars… Plant work Materials in, products out Check your “story” Fun as you go! Learn as you go! You will enjoy their fun, too!
Thanks! Questions?