Presentation to the Advisory Group; Brussels, 13/02/2003 Ulrich Leiss (IABG), - WP2 leader Scope of the analysis in terms of projects to be covered
Presentation to the Advisory Group; Brussels, 13/02/2003 Ulrich Leiss (IABG), - WP2 leader Present situation Unknown number of programmes Unknown number of projects Limited resources in contract Unknown willingness of project responsibles to co-operate First estimate of projects coverage through scenario approach
Presentation to the Advisory Group; Brussels, 13/02/2003 Ulrich Leiss (IABG), - WP2 leader Scenario “restrictive” Programme Analysis Group: – Prepares Project Profile, Result Summary – Manages Approval – Performs Review and Thematic Analysis Project Responsible – Prepares Final Report Maximum number of projects possible up to 250 National, up to 350 European
Presentation to the Advisory Group; Brussels, 13/02/2003 Ulrich Leiss (IABG), - WP2 leader Scenario “Cooperative” Programme Analysis Group: – Manages Approval – Performs Review and Thematic Analysis Project Responsible – Prepares Project Profile, Progress Summary(ies), – Final Report Maximum number of projects possible up to 450 National, up to 600 European
Presentation to the Advisory Group; Brussels, 13/02/2003 Ulrich Leiss (IABG), - WP2 leader Scenario “complementary flexible” 40% Project Analysis type ‘restrictive’ Up to 100 National, up to 170 European 45% Project Analysis type ‘cooperative’ Up to 200 National, up to 270 European 15% project coverage without analysis - Project responsible prepares all project information - Programme Analysis Group does no review, approval, thematic analysis but simple quality check - Benchmark Group checks programme consistency Maximum number of projects possible: up to 300 National with analysis up to 440 European with analysis up to 800 National without analysis
Presentation to the Advisory Group; Brussels, 13/02/2003 Ulrich Leiss (IABG), - WP2 leader EU programmes identified for project analysis Aeronautics (DG Research) Maritime (DG Research) City of Tomorrow (DG Research) EUREKA COST DG INFSO E-Transport DG Environment (Fuels) Interreg Marco Polo and Tina (DG TREN)