A look at Acts 16
Introduction The early Church was growing 3000 souls saved on Pentecost (Acts 2:41) Believers and Churches are multiplying (Acts 6:1) Paul changed from a persecutor of the Church (Acts 8:3) to a preacher (Acts 9:20) Paul travelled all over sharing the Gospel (Acts 9:15) Paul’s vision at Troas (Acts 16:8-10) He heard the call “Come to Macedonia and help us” He responded to the call What can we learn from this call?
Lost souls call to us for help (v 9) These people are lost in sin and without hope (Rom 3:23; Eph 2:11-13) These people need to hear the Gospel They need to know God loves them (Jn 3:16) They need to know Christ died to save them (Jn 3:16) How can they believe when they have not heard? (Rom 10:11-17) How can they hear without a preacher? (Rom 10:14) Do you hear the calls of the lost? Are you ready to tell them of Christ and His love?
Love for souls should cause us to respond (v 10-40) Paul had a deep love for souls Consider his love for lost Jews (Rom 9:1-3) Consider his love for lost Gentiles (his many journeys) Paul’s response to the call is immediate Paul went to Philippi, the chief city of Macedonia (Acts 16:12) He taught at meeting for prayer beside the river and Lydia was converted (Acts 16:13-15) He delivered a demon-possessed fortune teller (Acts 16:16-18) While in prison Paul and Silas taught the jailer (Acts 16:23-24) We can have these great responses as well if we are willing to answer the call of the lost
There is a great area of work right here if we just open our eyes Our field is the entire world (Mt 13:38) Lost souls exist right here where we live We will run into lost souls everywhere go Have we noticed these souls right in front of us? Look at all the opportunities Paul and Silas responded to while in Macedonia How many opportunities did you take advantage of this week? How many people have we told of Jesus and his love?
Conclusion Are you listening to the cries of the lost souls around you? There are people crying out for the gospel everyday Let us teach them now, before it is too late