Europe Beef Domestic production is declining faster than consumption Need for imports but from where? Is the new quota going to be an enduring advantage for US beef?
Europe Beef Positives US beef occupies its own niche EU beef is inconsistent
Europe Beef Hurdles Relative prices Acceptance of use of PRT’s Animal welfare regulations Deep concern over the products of cloned animals
Europe Beef Market activities Daily contact with importers, their clients, EU officials, the EU industry and their Brussels’ representatives. HRI seminars/tastings promotions in cash and carry outlets. Retail starting.
Europe Pork Large market 22.5 Million MT Self sufficient, but plenty of niches Ractopamine free Longterm perpsective of opening to imports
Europe Pork H1N1 is not an issue for consumers of pork Market activities: Maintaining contacts with the trade Trade shows Trade teams to the US
Middle East Despite the squeeze on financing particularly in the construction sector food consumption has fared well Multiple openings of new franchised restaurants and rapid development of ‘western’ style retail stores. Relatively high purchasing power
Middle East Egypt still the primary destination for US beef livers United Arab Emirates enforce UTM requirement