Binary Lesson 3 Hexadecimal
Counting to 15 Base Base Base 16 Base Base Base 16 Two Ten (Hex) Two Ten (Hex) A A B B C C D D E E F F
Four Bits Make a Nybble A nybble can be represented by one hexadecimal digit Values from 0 to 15, or 0 to F 8s 4s2s1s
IPv6 Address fe80:0000:0000:0000:462a:60ff:fef6: fields, each containing 16 bits 8 fields, each containing 16 bits Each field has 4 hexadecimal characters, representing 4 bits each Each field has 4 hexadecimal characters, representing 4 bits each fe80 = fe80 = a = a =
Binary iClicker Questions
What is this binary value in hexadecimal? A.FF00 B.FC00 C.2610 D.FE80 E.FFFE
What is this binary value in hexadecimal? A.2600 B.2310 C.2130 D.3330 E.2610
What is the hex value fc00 in binary? A B C D E
What is the hex value 4340 in binary? A B C D E