MFIs opinion on Quality Audit Tool “We did QAT in 2009 and still come back to ist results in order to implement its recommendations. These are our guidelines in improving SPM” Credo SPM Champion, Georgia “It confirmed my suspicions about our weak areas – and helped us form an action plan, which was approved by the Board.” MDF CEO, Serbia “Having gone through QAT, we became clear what SPM means for us in practice. QAT helped us identified gaps in our systems. It was the starting point for SPM improvement.” Horizonti CEO, Macedonia “After their first experience with the QAT, AgroInvest has repeated the exercise annually, by using an internal QAT facilitator. Every year, new changes based on the QAT results are introduced to improve practice. After these changes, the organization feels that it is ready to apply for a social rating.” AgroInvest SPM Champion, Montenegro 1
Areas assessed Mission and social goals; strategy (targeting, products and services) Governance and leadership Information system: clients’ feedback, data collection, quality, analysis, reporting HRM, responsibility towards staff Client protection Performance management 2
Example of QAT results visualisation 3
QAT uptakes Users in all regions 4 national and regional networks use as own service More than 40 registered users 4