© 2007 IBM Corporation Chemical and Petroleum Solution Architecture IIF – Information Integration Framework Ronald Montgomery IBM World Wide Industrial Solutions October 2007
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Chemical & Petroleum Integration and Information Framework A common model based access method where information for production operations is easily and transparently accessible across multiple assets & facilities and work processes in the context of production and operation equipment, relevant operational events and transactions. Context based information is the basis for performance analysis, improvement real time information based decision support processes and other work process efficiency improvements…. Businesses need an effective way to measure and analyze process/production performance in the context of installed equipment base. Today many different applications are deployed across the enterprise at both the business and production levels to manage and record operations performance. Each application instance has its own unique reference and data model. Cross location and cross work process transactions and events are not captured in the context of equipment configurations or production relevant events. Views are incomplete; analysis is sub-optimal and localized. Integrating additional facilities or introducing new functionality is difficult, time consuming and costly. Our research shows that there is no fundamental commercial product or solution available today to address all of these problems.
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Key Functionality of an C&P SOA based Integrated Framework –Provide a standards based Model and enterprise taxonomy/ontology that yields Enterprise Name Space Management / Maintenance / Visual Access to Process Data, Documents/Specifications/Reports –Provision it as a Federated and Distributed On-line model allowing multiple methods for data access, model data location query via web services –Provide agile adapters i.e. Adapters that are Model Aware, supporting automated configuration and model updates from the “Systems of Authority” –Provide independent & rich client SVG based visualization to view query and represent document: reports, data specifications, and equipment, process variables –Provide a Services/Utilities to graphically configure/define & subscribe to the delivery of real time data, process events, and KPI’s –Provide adaptive process workflow, based on industry standards, that allows a means to Create and Customize and start Business Rules/Requirements within the frame work of the ISA95/88 activity models
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework An Integrated Information Framework – Providing an efficient pipeline for real-time data transfer and analysis of data Vendor Field data Drilling & well operations Reservoir & production operations Operation & maintenance A Real-Time Information Pipeline leveraging the Reference Semantic Model standard Operator IBM C&P Model Based SOA Integrated Manufacturing Solution Frame Work Web-service enabled applications The RSM is composed of: OPC & WITSML/PRODML information mapped to an RSM, MeasurementValues, class ISA S88/S95, ISO 15926, IEEE 61970/68 for asset and physical hierarchy representation ISO 15926, & Mimosa, for asset life cycle management Field 1 Field 2
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Mimosa Asset Model Federated Role Based Process Models Well Platform Refinery Process Tags Local Process Models Federated to represent a Single enterprise model name space Link Reference Semantic Model ISA-S95/88 augmented model WITSML/PRODML Entities Enterprise monitoring interface sees two tags with similar names but they are uniquely named and identified in the process models Process Tags LIMS, MES, DCS Entities Well Service System Process Historian e.g. OSI/PI Diverse Systems Process Historian e.g. OSI/PI Value of the RSM Applied asset & physical hierarchy representation Refinery 1
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Reference Semantic Model Objective Implement-able reference semantic model that can be used by manufacturing companies (process industries, oil & gas, automotive, aerospace, etc.) to connect measurements, planning/scheduling, life cycle management, etc. throughout the enterprise This is not a data model and does not constrain the way applications implement the information contained within the model. The RSM facilitates the exchange of information (implement-able exchange model) The RSM provides a single enterprise hierarchy that models process equipment, measurements, and document connectivity for visualization Essentially answer the Open Operations and Maintenance model requirement
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Participants MIMOSA Chair - Alan Johnson/Ken Beaver OAGi CTO– Dave Connelly WBF – Dave Emerson ISA 88 Chair – Dennis Brandl ISA 95 Chair – Keith Unger OLF – Thore Langeland/Magne Valen- Sendstad OSIsoft – Jack Aude (Batch expert) DOW – Russ Dickinson (Chief Manufacturing Architect) SISCO – Herb Falk (Solutions Architect) IBM – Lorenzo Childress (Solutions Architect) The Reference Semantic Model
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Work Progress on the Reference Semantic Model, RSM Has Been Submitted to the Various Standards Committee for Review and Approval ISA 95/88, - Harmonization to link Important standards into a Base Model representation to provide complete view of any enterprise from top to bottom. Internal representation of equipment measurement instances and documents, report, specs, etc –Identified ISA95/88 Standards disconnects and ambiguities and enhanced the vertical linkage between them for a seamless on-line process equipment and measurement instance representation. –Added the use of enumerations based on core components rather the strings (no free form data types) Note Enumeration is the key to enterprise enforcement and utility –Added a defined measurement type, standardized on SI formats –Added OPC quality characterization to the measurement type –Added a general document class that is decomposable and can be queried –Generalized the physical site hierarchy and the generalized location of entities within the that hierarchy –Added Equipment Connectivity to support visualization -> Can use the model as installed P&I Diagram –Added Electrical Transmission & Distribution (Power Measurement, Breaker location, etc) –Added links to the MIMOSA standard for representation of assets (Adds Maintenance life cycle tracking capability to the model representation) –Added Multiple languages –Standardized on GMT time Enabled Model Base Case to Industry to Company instance tailoring/extensibility while keeping the contributing model standards sacrosanct/pure (i.e. no new standards just linkages and extensions defined though enumeration)
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework The Specifc Upsteam Challenge Many oil & gas installations with significantly different applications Corporate target to standardize processes and applications for management and operation of the installations An IT architecture supporting a fast and cost-efficient rollout of standardized applications and processes a prerequisite Must integrate and cooperate with many ongoing projects
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework IMS Pilot BUSINESS GOAL: To improve management information and decisions through the incorporation of “real-time” operational data captured in “historian” applications automatically into reporting and analytical applications AND to improve connectivity across participating organisations and systems by conformance to industry standards. TECHNOLOGY GOALS: To deliver an infrastructure enabling the integration of multiple publishing “Historian” applications to consuming subscribing applications specifically reporting applications and potentially analytical applications e.g. planning & monitoring To deliver this capability based on specific industry standards for data format and model driven semantic standards specifically OPC, PRODML & ISA S88/S95 PROOF POINTS: The IMS data shall appear to the users and applications in the same and standardized way, irrespective of differences in user environments such as control rooms offshore or at plant, collaboration rooms onshore, vendor or governmental locations, or office locations using the office network The IMS data shall be structured so that data flows easily through system interfaces and the users effectively can utilize data for calculation, analysis, monitoring and reporting. MILESTONES & TIMELINES: Pilot environment established in September Pilot completion in November Potential rollout to follow suit (if pilot is successful)
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Pilot Targets Develop a Real-Time Integration Solution (RTIS) based on the TAIL F0 Common Integration Architecture, IBM’s Information Integration Framework and relevant ISA & ISO standards –For standardized access to information in Statoil’s various IMS applications Ensure and verify that the solution delivers the following capabilities: –Enterprise-wide name space and naming convention that is unique and that is based on industry standards ISO15926, ISA 88 & 95 and Mimosa –Design and creation of asset models and model instances –Mapping / management functions supporting configuration and model updates from the DCS and upwards –Maintenance, persistence and quality control of data Verify value and functionality through testing of solution on Statoil assets in accordance with selected use cases and tools –Statfjord A and Gullfaks B
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Main functionality - Overall architecture DCS’s, PLC’s, Data Historians, Sensors, Well Services firms ERP, Process Optimization & Analysis App’s… Model Aware Adapters ISA 95/88 Standards Based Asset Models Role Based Visualization Interface and extended/new functionality Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Plant Engineer Plant Engineer Plant Supervisor Plant Supervisor Plant Operator Plant Operator Quality Engineer Quality Engineer ISA 95ISA 95/88 Maintenance processes and web services for accessing real-time data and process events Enterprise Service Bus ISA 95/88 Model Repository Model Manager Real-time centre Engineer Real-time centre Engineer OPC XML-> UA & WITSML/ PRODML Web Services
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Architecture (detailed)
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Physical Infrastructure Platform APlatform B KM DCSABB DCS IMS (OSIsoft PI) A really cold place IMS (AspenTech IP.21) A colder place OffshoreOnshore Matrikon OPC Tunneller Server Bergen Matrikon OPC Tunneller Client IBM Stavanger IBM Matrikon OPC Tunneller Client IBM Stavanger SISCO UIB Server Adapter Enterprise Services Bus SISCO UIB Client Adapter SISCO UIB CORE Components Excel Matrikon OPC Explorer Matrikon ProcessNet OSIsoft OPC Client IIF Workbench SISCO UIB Client API WebSphere App Server Customer Secured Environment
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework 16 A Chemical Company Example IBM RSM Model Aware Manufacturing Service Bus DCS Naming Service PLCWW Aspentech PI Portlet Portal Application xMII Web Service XI SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal RSM Model ManagerMediatorService Registry ChoreographerRules EngineEvent Processor Business Management Manufacturing Operations Management 16 High Fidelity Visualization IBM Role Based Visualization Interface Served through Hale/DOJO Maintenance Supervisor Tech Center Engr. Plant Engineer Plant Supervisor Plant Operator
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Packages and main components (Architecture view) Integrated Information Framework (IIF) Reference Semantic Model (RSM) A collage of: S95/S88, ISO , IEC-61970/68, ISO-13374, OPC, WITSML/PRODML The IIF implements RSM and consists of these components: 1. Model Manager (Model Repository, Model explorer, Info Loc Resolution) 2. Model aware OPC Server and OPC Client adapters 3. Enterprise Model adapter 4. IIF Workbench (Model Visualization, P&ID Visualization)
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Demo part
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Visualization Attributes Zero-footprint, pure web browser-based interface Eclipse-like architecture Does not poll for data update but subscribes to events Easy to customize, extensible, and configurable Provides basic tooling infrastructure Page editors and visual XML editors can be built Can run inside Share Point and SAP portals !!! Can run across WANS and Low Band Width environments Can drive visualization on PDA’s, and iPhone, etc. To provide a basic platform that can be used to build various browser-based tools
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Use Cases Being Done For Customers 1.Meta Model Creation, Model Instance Creation, Model Maintenance, and Measurement Instance Mapping 2.Configure the Instance Model Automatically 3.Access all Process Historian’s Data 4.Access all Distributed Control Systems 5.Access all PLC’s 6.Access by Siemens IndX and OSI PI Foundation to the RSM, and Process Visualizations 7.Visual configuration and subscription to Complex Events & Alarms Model Visualization, Model Maintenance, Web Service Definition, 8.RSM Model based P&ID Creation and Visualization 9.Microsoft and SAP Web Services Interface via Visual Subscription Service
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Chemical and Petroleum IIF Component Business Services 21 Composite Business Service (CBS) Suites For Chemical and Petroleum IIF Framework Up Stream enabler Down Stream Enabler C&P IIF Industry Content Packs Composite Business Services Components CBS Process Flows and BPELs CBS Process Orchestrations and WSDLs User Interface Templates & Content CBS Data Models Services Model Service Descriptions Svc. Interface definitions, etc. Service Realizations Service Components (Software Code) Messaging Components (Software Code Message Sets, Database Scripts IIF Framework Components WebSphere Process Server WebSphere Integration Developer WebSphere Remote Server (bundles WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and DB2 Enterprise Server Edition) Rational Software architect Tivoli Identity Manager, Tivoli Access Manager Tivoli System Auto. for Multi-platforms IBM System Storage Area Network (SAN) WebSphere ESB – CEP Feature Pack Integrated Information Framework (RSM and Workbench) RSM Store (SISCO UIB) *Partner Product Enterprise Model Adapter, Key Adapter (GDA, TSDA, HSDA, Events) C&P IIF Industry Content Packs Industry Reference Semantic Instance Models C&P integration Information Services (SISCO OPC Adapters) Industry Message Models WITSM/PRODML OPC XML/UA Industry Enablers Extensions to RSM & Mappings for customer processes Extended Technical & Business Services Common Industry Business Rules Event & Alarm Aggregation CBS Well Test CBS Riser Test CBS Injection Well Mg’mnt CBS Gas Lift CBS Manifold Separator CBS Common Enabler’s Rotating Equipment KPI Monitoring CBS Production Order CBS Quality Assay CBS Fulfillment CBS Data validation CBS
SOA on your terms and our expertise Chemical and Petroleum Integration and Information Framework Key areas for Integrated Operations Chemical & Petroleum Integrated Information Framework Automatic monitoring Real-time processing and analysis Work processes and decision support Safe and reliable data and communication infrastructure Visualization and decision support Onshore control room work processes Roles and Responsibilities Change management Condition monitoring of topside equipment Down hole flow sensors, multiphase rate meters Ocean bottom and well seismic Fast update of geo & reservoir models Process optimization tools Well planning and drilling optimization Condition based maintenance applications Well data transmission High capacity data transfer Standards and protocols, applications integration Redundancy