PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U Targeted Early Numeracy The TEN Program 1 WS8T8XqMe0Nu9wN NA4nnDomIUpbxG
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U About the program The Targeted Early Numeracy (TEN) intervention program provides support for students in learning numeracy and problem solving strategies in the early years. TEN complements the regular numeracy programs in the Stage One classroom. Teaching occurs within a normal daily lesson block, without withdrawal or an additional specialist teacher. Cassie Dean Stage 1 Assistant Principal Strategies Focus: Looking for the most efficient way to add and subtract numbers mentally =
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U Efficient Use of Mental Strategies What strategies did you use to work it out Split the tens from the ones? See the 6 as a near double of 5? Know combinations of numbers up to ten well when you were looking at the 5 and the 3 Some of you would have used the compensation strategy. Rounded up to 60 then took 4 away at the end? Many of you would’ve taken the largest number then added on tens then the ones. This is how learning mathematics is different today. It is not about competition to get the answer it is about sharing your strategies with your peers and becoming more efficient on your individual journey.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U The TEN program is strategy focused Aims to develop mental efficiency/fluency. This will be different to how many of us have learnt mathematics in the past where it was strongly answer focused. We don’t want to confuse the students then move on - 1D7k 1D7k
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U The model explicit and systematic teaching in one ½ hr session per week small group instruction, involving all students. No one is held back. All learning is appropriate to their ability level short, focused, frequent numeracy sessions (typically 10 minute blocks) strategically targeted activities focusing on mental strategies ten-weekly monitoring of student progress to identify and plan future individualised instruction.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U Key aspects Promotes strategy focused instruction rather than competition Ongoing professional learning Understanding and using the Numeracy continuum K-10 as tool to monitor individual student progress Implementing a consistent assessment process Non-withdrawal program Developing Learning Plans which focus on differentiation according to ability Incorporating short, focused, frequent numeracy activities into the teaching program.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U My Role as a TEN Facilitator Deliver professional learning sessions Provide in-class support every week Assist teachers with the monitoring of student progress Develop action plans Collate data to reflect grade progress Ensure that it is a sustainable program.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS NSW U Role of Parents Support your child’s teacher in a positive way to build a better educational partnership. Students will perform better if supported at home and school. Continue to discuss mental strategies. Understand that your child may not be making grade appropriate progress because they have not reached a certain level of mental efficiency and may be over-relying on written strategies Ask your child “What did you do first?” and “What steps did you take next?” when completing homework. See handout for some more tips on developing mental strategies at home.