Liberalism: “It’s No Big Deal???” Part 1
Introduction Rom 11:33-36As we enter into our lesson today, I would like each of us to stop and consider our position before God as described in Rom 11:33-36 –It is not our place to counsel God; it is for us to reverence and honor Him Dan 4:34-35 –God has done and always will do according to His will (Dan 4:34-35) Dan 4:26-27 –Recognizing our position before God should cause us to want to repent (Dan 4:26-27)
Introduction The spirit of liberalism that causes God’s people to act does not reflect a repentant heart toward God…Instead it is… –Irreverent toward God Ps 33:8 & 89:7; Heb 12:28Ps 33:8 & 89:7; Heb 12:28 –Presumptuous toward the authority of God Num 15:30; Ps 19:13Num 15:30; Ps 19:13
Introduction "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law"Deut 29:29"Also keep back Thy servant from presumptuous sins;..." Ps 19:13 vs 14 But we may not presume to know the will of God beyond the things He has given. To do so is being presumptuous and it is a sin. The things revealed in Scripture are the only things we may speak of with confidence. Moses said, "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law" (Deut 29:29). And David said, "Also keep back Thy servant from presumptuous sins;..." (Ps 19:13). David prays that the sayings of his tongue and meditations of his heart be pleasing to the Lord (vs 14). This principle serves as a bridle to keep us from going beyond the Scriptures and authorizing what God has not, and in essence speaking in the place of God. If I say that some thing is pleasing to God without being able to actually prove it ("prove all things"), then I am guilty of being presumptuous. When someone justifies an action or belief "because there is no command not to", that person is presumptuous. (Hermeneutics: Presumptuous Sins found online)
Introduction If to presume is to suppose something to be true without proof, doesn't this explain much of the innovation we see in the religious world today? Where is the authority for authorizing women to lead men in worship [including the Lord's Supper, Prayer, Singing, Reading Scripture]? Where is the authority for gay marriages. Where is the authority for having a Branson-style Christmas show during the holidays? Where is the authority for instruments and candles and dancing in the worship of God? If the desired practice or innovation is not given consent in the Bible, then it must be presumed. (Hermeneutics: Presumptuous Sins found online)
Introduction “People do act presumptuously. This is reason for exercising caution in worship and life choices. The presumptuous sin is no different than adding to or taking away from God's Word. It is sinful. The safeguard to presumptuous sin is the diligent study of God's word and a reverence for what God has and has not said.” (Hermeneutics: Presumptuous Sins found online) –Indifferent toward the Word of God Zeph 1:12; 2 Tim 2:15;Zeph 1:12; 2 Tim 2:15;
Introduction Liberalism and liberal Defined: – Liberalism: “a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities. ( – Liberalism: “a movement in modern Protestantism that rejects biblical authority ( – Liberal: “not literal or strict: loose (A liberal translation); Broad-Minded; especially: not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms” (Merriam Webster Online dictionary) – Liberal: “not bound by traditional ways or beliefs” (Merriam Webster Online Thesarus)
Introduction Liberalism and liberal Defined: –Liberalism is not restricted to nor restrained by biblical patterns Jer 3:16, & 18:15Jer 3:16, & 18:15
Bible Patterns are God’s Patterns we must follow Several scriptures to consider –Deut 4:1-2, 12:32; Prov 30:5-6; 2 Tim 1:13; Rev 22:18-19 Is 30:8-14An example of liberalism at work among God’s people (Is 30:8-14) –Liberalism refuses to hear the law of the Lord Is 30:9; Lk 11:28; Jn 8:47Is 30:9; Lk 11:28; Jn 8:47 –Liberalism rejects the appeal to follow God’s paths Is 30:10-11; Deut 28:1-14; Jn 14:1-3; 2 Tim 4:3-4Is 30:10-11; Deut 28:1-14; Jn 14:1-3; 2 Tim 4:3-4
Bible Patterns are God’s Patterns we must follow –Liberalism despises the word of God Is 30:12, 5:24; Num 15:31; Prov 13:13Is 30:12, 5:24; Num 15:31; Prov 13:13 –Liberalism is sin Is 30:13; Jam 4:17Is 30:13; Jam 4:17 –Liberalism destroys God’s people in judgment Is 30:14; Mt 7:21-23Is 30:14; Mt 7:21-23
Bible Patterns are God’s Patterns we must follow –Some members of the Lord’s Church have been heard saying, Preaching on bible authority is too dry and boring We need to head a different direction in this church The way he preaches just makes me feel beat down There doesn’t seem to be any love here Why do you concern yourself with the “Little things” This seems like a good idea, how can it be wrong if it brings in more people A loving God would understand
Conclusion We will continue to look at this topic and discuss whether or not it truly is “a big deal” this evening