Lesson Objectives Boat handling and loading Fueling and 1/3 rule Prop selection and operation Safe boating operation Anchoring procedures About hypothermia Undocking and docking/mooring Heavy weather operations
Fueling Your Boat 1/3 rule Ground fuel hose to boat rail or gas cap Keep fumes out Prevent spills Portable tanks Gasoline in bilge
Getting Started Brief your guests Check on weather Life jackets out and ready Test throttle and steering Gas and oil – check gages Engine warmed up – check gages & tell tale
Hull Types Handling Characteristics
Propellers Selecting the right prop To protect prop, use: Shear pin Slip Hub Should carry on board Spare pins Spare prop Tools Guard against cavitation & ventilation
Propeller Diameter and Pitch
Powering your boat The Prop Modifications Speed vs. Horse Power
Jet Drives PWCs …………………………. Age? OTS ………………………… Kill Switch Local Laws
Safety First Don’t overload Secure load from shifting Bow, gunwales, seat backs, stern are not seats Don’t’ Stand
Steering Car Front wheels steer and vehicle moves in direction you turn Boat Stern steers & back half of boat moves in opposite direction before eventually moving in direction you intend Pivot point generally 1/3 back from bow May control with spring lines Stopping
Driving Cars and Boats
Steering, Single Prop Forward gear, stern moves in opposite direction Reverse gear, stern moves in direction of turn Right hand prop has small prop walk to right in forward, larger walk to port in reverse You will turn the wheel in the direction that you wish your bow to go. That does not change the fact that the stern is what is moving first, and that it moves in the opposite direction. 56
Steering Twin - Props Each Engine Will have Its own Throttle and Gear Controls You Can Turn Slowly by Operating One Engine Faster Than the Other Prop walk offset by one left & one right hand prop. When operating only one, remember walk You Can PIVOT in a Narrow Area by Putting One engine in FORWARD, the Other in REVERSE With the port throttle going faster than the starboard, its thrust will be greater and help to push the vessel in a curve toward starboard. With one gear in forward, the other in reverse, many twin engine vessels can pivot practically within their own length. 57
Steering Techniques Twin Propellers Steer with rudder when at speed Use differential prop thrust at dock Use both rudder and thrust to walk sideways Forward on port, reverse on starboard to swing bow to starboard Since forward prop has more thrust, rudder to port with above also moves stern to starboard
Steering Techniques Jet Drive No prop; no prop walk No neutral; balance forward & reverse thrust Turns require power use burst Pivot point nearer intake; sharp turns
Tilt Adjustment Lift bow in flat water for speed Drop bow in rough water for comfort and damage prevention
Docking Wind & Current Crew Slow and easy (“Fending Off”) Lines & Fenders
Docking or Undocking Where is wind? Where is current? When docking What is its effect on your boat? Where is current? When docking Check wind & current by stopping boat. Use ample amount of neutral
Leaving dock - Wind off dock
Leaving dock - Wind on bow
Springing Away From Dock; Wind Onto Dock
Docking - Wind Onto Dock
Docking - Wind off Dock
Anchor Types
Anchoring Boat’s Motion Lowering Anchor Setting Anchor Anchor Dragging Deck Fastenings Checking Position
Anchor Rode Everything between boat and anchor Line Thimble Shackle Wire Lock Chain
The Anchor Rode Rode Chain Recommended use of nylon line Name For the Line and All Associated Gear From Boat to Anchor Chain Connects between Anchor and Line Prevent Chafing of line on Bottom Recommended use of nylon line Stretches as wave action lifts vessel Acts as a shock absorber As in any other safety matter, selecting the right line for the job is most important. 67
Deploying the Anchor Find a protected spot Head Your boat Into wind/current Stop Boat Lower the anchor until it reaches bottom Back slowly while letting out the Line Normal Scope: 7 TO 1 If Depth is 10 ft Scope is 70 ft Not letting out enough line is probably the most common anchoring error for the novice boater. Remember, the waves are lifting you up and down. Severe wind and waves, or anchoring in an area where you will be subjected to a lot of wake action puts much strain on the anchor. If the line is too short, this will result in the anchor pulling out of the bottom. When this happens the anchor often flips over and the points are no longer able to catch. 68
Properly Set Anchor A properly set anchor will have enough line out so that the anchor and most of the chain will lie flat along the bottom.
Raising the Anchor Head the boat toward the anchor Go head slowly, hauling In the Line Stop Boat when Over Anchor (Line is Straight down) Lift Anchor Slowly Use Care – Prevent the Anchor From Bashing against the Hull 69
Getting Underway Weighing anchor Fouled anchor Using boat’s power
Heavy Weather The Warning Signs Radio Radar Visibility Narrow Inlets Bars Get Advice
Underway Preparation Heavy Weather Close topside openings Pump out bilges Secure loose gear Put on life jackets Break out emergency gear Check / update position Look for shelter Instruct crew
Yawing Unintended turning of boat due to slow speed or loss of rudder contact with water at crest of wave May require considerable engine power to overcome once prop & rudder back in water
Using a Drogue
Operating in “thick” Weather Operate at a Safe Speed Need to: See and be seen Hear and be heard Use: Lookouts forward Passive radar reflector
The Sea is so Large
Safety at Sea Equipment You get what you pay for Knowledge and experience You are here Common sense Know when to go and when not Have a plan MOB, Medical Emergency,Spill, Lost, Out of Fuel, Mechanical Failure, Fire At Sea, and Sinking
Running Aground Check for leaks Raise outboard Move passengers to stern Try rocking boat Place anchor astern and pull off Call for assistance
Environmental Concerns Follow markers Don’t stir up bottom Use proper anchoring technique Properly dispose of waste Beware of oil and fuel spills
Summary Fueling procedures The propeller Driving boat vs. car Twin vs. single screw handling Tilt adjustments Loading the boat Getting started Leaving pier and docking Mooring and anchoring Heavy weather