Much assistance from Mark Copeland’s “The Leading of the Holy Spirit” The Leading of the Holy Spirit Pt 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Much assistance from Mark Copeland’s “The Leading of the Holy Spirit” The Leading of the Holy Spirit Pt 2

Introduction Two weeks ago we looked out how the Holy Spirit leads us We learned the Spirit leads us in two ways Externally: by the Word of God Internally: By providing us strength in times of trouble and need This week I would like to take some time to discuss some misconceptions held by many as to how the Spirit leads us

The Spirit does NOT lead through feelings or intuitions Often times people believe their feelings or intuitions are actually “leadings” of the Holy Spirit Acts 16:6-7 teaches us that the Spirit did not lead people through subjective means If the Spirit had been leading them by their feelings, they would have gone to either Asia or Bithynia Instead, in some audible or visible way, the Spirit actually prevented them from following their feelings Much religious confusion today is a direct result of failing to recognize The Spirit does not lead through “subjective” means, but rather through “objective” ones

The Spirit does NOT lead through feelings or intuitions The bible teaches that the heart (emotions, feelings) can be a deceptive guide Num 15:39; Prov 3:5-6, 28:26; Eccl 9:3, 11:9; Jer 17:9; Mt 15:19 Things which appear to be “right” may not be Prov 14:12, 16:25; 1 Sam 15:1-24; Acts 26:9 People should be turning to the Word of God (The sword of the Spirit)for their leading God has provided us the objective standard by which to know truth (2 Tim 3:16-17)

The Spirit does NOT lead through feelings or intuitions Additional scripture teaching us the importance of following the word Josh 1:8; Job 23:12; Ps 1:1-2, Ps 119:7-11; Mt 4:4; Rom 15:4; 1 Tim 4:16; 2 Tim 2:15; Heb 4:12

The Holy Spirit does NOT lead through visions and dreams It is true that at one time God did use such means Acts 2:17, 16:9-10 This was part of the process of revealing and confirming God’s truth Along with signs, wonders, and miracles (Heb 2:3-4) These signs, wonders, and miracles, confirmed whether these visions or dreams were from God This was a temporary process, ending when God’s word was complete (1 Cor 13:8-10)

The Holy Spirit does NOT lead through visions and dreams When dreams and visions were used by God, tests were provided Such as whether or not it was in harmony with God’s revealed word (Deut 13:1-5) Such as whether the dream came to pass (Deut 18:20-22) The scriptures warn against the danger of being lead astray by dreams They can be vanity (Eccl 5:7) They can be tools of false prophets (Jer 23:25-32; Zec 10:2) They can be the product of our imagination (Jer 29:8) We have God’s word fully and completely revealed; it should be our guide and not the visions or dreams of others or ourselves

The Spirit does NOT lead through enlightenment to understand the Word Many believe they need the Spirit’s leading to understand the Bible This is based on a misapplication of 1 Cor 2:14 Concluding one cannot understand the bible without the leading of the Spirit This leads to much religious confusion because everyone claims the Spirit led them to this interpretation or that one

The Spirit does NOT lead through enlightenment to understand the Word The context is contrasting the Apostles with philosophers Philosophers cannot know God’s word simply by wisdom (1 Cor 1:18-20) The Apostles received God’s will by the Spirit (1 Cor 2:6-4) The “Natural man” is simply one who does not have the benefit of the Spirit’s revelation, as opposed to the “Spiritual man” is one like Paul who did

The Spirit does NOT lead through enlightenment to understand the Word The Spirit has revealed God’s will to us through the apostles and prophets When we read their writings, we can understand (Eph 3:3-5) When we read the apostles, we can know (1 Jn 5:13 ) We don’t need the Spirit’s help to understand what the Spirit Himself reveals What we need is good and honest hearts (Acts 17:11) We certainly have the benefit of praying to God to help us free our minds from pre-conceived ideas so that we are fully open to His Word (Ps 119:18)

The Spirit does NOT lead by enlightenment in order to be led to know “new” truths Many people today believe the Spirit is leading the Lord’s Church into new truths This is based on the misapplication of Jn 16:13 Believing the Spirit is still guiding us into new truth This leads to religious confusion as people say the Spirit now tells them to accept homosexuality, women taking leadership roles in the service, divorce and re-marriage for any reason etc…

The Spirit does NOT lead by enlightenment in order to be led to know “new” truths The context is the work of the Spirit in the lives of the apostles (Jn 16:1-7) Jesus is preparing them for their work as apostles Together with the Spirit, they would be witnesses (Jn 15:26-27) The Spirit would aid them in this task, reminding them of what Jesus taught, revealing the rest of what Jesus wanted them to know (Jn 16:12-13)

The Spirit does NOT lead by enlightenment in order to be led to know “new” truths The Spirit led the apostles into “all” the truth just as Christ said he would Paul received the “Whole”counsel of God (Acts 20:27) Peter received “All things” that pertained to life and Godliness (2 Pet 1:3) Jude said the faith was “once” delivered to the saints The Spirit fulfilled His work of revealing and confirming the truth With the aid of inspired scriptures, we have what is needed to be “complete, thoroughly equipped for ever good work” (2Tim 3:16-17) Those who claim to be led by the Spirit to new truth today need to back it up with the same sort of signs, wonders, and miracles the Spirit used to confirm the apostles

Conclusion It is a wonderful blessing we have to be led by the Spirit… As he guides us through His revealed word As he strengthens us through indwelling our bodies It is a blessing to know That we have a guide to direct us as we live in this world That we have a helper to strengthen us as needed We must remember this blessing is only for those… Who become the Sons of God (Gal 4:6; Acts 2:38; 5:32) Who are willing to set their minds on the things of the Spirit (Rom 8:5-6) Who are willing to diligently work out their salvation (Phil 2:12-13) Are you willing to be lead by the Spirit? If so, walk in the Spirit by heeding His Word and praying that the Father strengthen you by His Spirit in the inner man