March 14 (03/14): International Pi Day
What is Pi? Pi is represented by the Greek symbol This symbol is used because it is the first letter of the word perimeter in Greek It is the symbol to describe the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter
Ratio of Diameter to Circumference
History of Pi The symbol was first used in 1706 Pi is an irrational number that will continue into infinity without repeating With computer technology, Pi has now been calculated to 5 trillion digits past the decimal place
Practical Pi Number Since Pi “goes on forever” we use a more practical approximation when putting it in formulas: 3.14 The formula of an area of a circle is A = r 2 (r = radius) and the number 3.14 would be used for this calculation
Playing with Pi For calculations where a lot of precision is required there are several acceptable “sizes” of pi: 10 digits, 12 digits, or 50 digits π =
Pi Records: Guinness Book of Records for Reciting Remembered Digits of Pi Without Error: 67,890 digits, by a 24-year-old graduate student from China. It took him 24 hours and 4 minutes to recite to the 67,890th decimal place of π without an error.
Pi Videos Pi Song: VqpWETqoD5Q VqpWETqoD5Q Reciting Pi Eminem Style: NBqVvAU-gdg NBqVvAU-gdg