Context 1. The Parable of the Sower The Purpose of Parables The Parable of the Sower Explained Light Under a Basket- 21
I. The Parable of the Growing Seed “God works when we work” A. We don’t know how it works. Mark 4: We have to come to grips with this- John 3: This is very humbling 3. If I don’t know what will work, what won’t work, or how it all works…
I. The Parable of the Growing Seed “God works when we work” A. We don’t know how it works. Mark 4:27 B. God does the hardest work. Mark 4:28 1. God provides the increase- I Cor. 3: Only the Gospel will change hearts- Romans 1:16 3. We Must Grow- Hebrews 5: The Blade, The Ear, The Full Ear
I. The Parable of the Growing Seed “God works when we work” A. We don’t know how it works. Mark 4:27 B. God does the hardest work. Mark 4:28 C. God works when we work. Mark 4:29 1. Nobody can do this for us- 2 Cor. 9:6 2. We are not working for us- Col. 3:22-24
I Will Remember My Real Boss I Will Remember My Real Payday I Will Remember My Real Customer I Will Remember My Real Evaluation I Will Remember My Real Position
I. The Parable of the Growing Seed “God works when we work” A. We don’t know how it works. Mark 4:27 B. God does the hardest work. Mark 4:28 C. God works when we work. Mark 4:29 1. Nobody can do this for us- 2 Cor. 9:6 2. We are not working for us- Col. 3: Think of all the Bible stories you’ve ever learned. What did they stress?