This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Participation by Ru in Lithuania-Poland-Russia ENPI.


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Presentation transcript:

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI ‘handover’ meeting Participation by Ru in Lithuania-Poland-Russia ENPI CBC Programme Warsaw 09 March 2012

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Basis Quantitative analysis based on statistics on calls, provided by the programme Qualitative analysis based on questionnaires: –JTS&JMA (programme-based) –NCP (Kaliningrad region)

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH No. of applicants from Russia -1st call and LSP

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH No. of partners from Russia -1st call and LSP

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Involvement of Ru organisations in applications - 1 As Applicants: Well represented, not very well represented Reasons: Number of organizations have positive experience of participation in the Neighbourhood Programme Lack of experience and/or capacity to prepare the application and to manage projects Difficulty in providing project cofinancing

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Involvement of Ru organisations in applications - 2 As Partners: Very well represented, well represented Reasons: Rather high level of awareness about the programme Several organisations are ready to participate in the programme Requirement for each project to have at least one Russian partner

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Main challenges - 1 As Applicants: Russian legislation does not cover all the aspects of the implementation of international projects (e.g. VAT exemption, mutual payments between municipalities and arranging payment to partners abroad) Lack of experience in preparing applications (including writing applications in English) To ensure needed project cofinancing To ensure needed accounting/financial management To involve a project team capable to prepare and implement the project To make realistic time-schedule and cost-effective budget, and adequate risk assessment

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Main challenges - 2 As Partners: To ensure the required cofinancing To make adequate planning of activities Russian legislation does not cover all the aspects of the implementation of international projects (e.g. VAT exemption, mutual payments between municipalities and arranging payment to partners abroad) Lack of experience in preparing applications (including writing applications in English)

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Other responses Is Russia at a disadvantage compared to the EU member states? – No Balanced participation –Equal treatment of all applicants is more important than balanced participation – 2x –A balanced distribution of funds among participating countries is very important – 1x –Balanced participation is extremely important for programme success – 1x Who is responsible for facilitating balanced participation – Branch Office

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH What is your programme doing Programme is establishing 3 Branch offices Regional authority –Regular meetings with representatives of the municipalities on the issues of participation in ENPI programmes –Organise partner-search events and assist in organising annual conference, training events –Individual consultations provided to stakeholders

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH What can/should your programme do in the future To distribute information among various institutions and general public To provide more information to potential applicants and interested stakeholders To organise more partner search events Launching of the Branch Office of the Programme JTS will help a lot

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI materials/tools for transfer – (as needed) - 1 Database of partners and contacts in Russia E support for project identification and development and project implementation Identifying and developing ENPI CBC projects: Tips from RCBI practice of supporting potential applicants and partners RCBI Project Implementation Manual (PIM) Guides to national requirements for implementing ENPI CBC programmes

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI materials/tools for transfer – (as needed) - 2 The clock is ticking: Steps for preparing ENPI CBC project proposals ‘Who does What When’ Wheel - Responsibilities and tasks for each programme management structure Power point presentations from events – Project Preparation workshops, Partner search Forums, Project Management and Implementation training Reports on PC involvement Other support?

This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH RCBI support to LPR Support for programming – contributions from experts from Russia and other programming experts Briefing for officials in Russia (1) Training on programme management - JMC/JMA (2) Events to support calls for proposals - project preparation workshops (3) Support for Russian representatives to participate in programme events (4)