Current Database 3. EXTRA Questionnaire
Questionnaire Proposals This is part of the evaluation task No questionnaire to be included in the short term
Current Database 4. Areas of Interest & Themes
Area of Interest Proposals Current modes (road, rail, air, water) to be retained “Sector” to be added: - Passenger/Freight/Both Strategic transport and Integrated transport chains to be deleted - strategic transport is covered by the policy/technical category - integrated transport can be deduced, e.g. if respondent is interested in road, rail and freight Urban transport to be retained and Trans-European to be added (possibly also regional or national?)
10 themes to be reduced, e.g.: - strategic/policy/sustainability/socio-economic - efficiency and quality - safety, security and human factors - intermodality and interoperability Theme Proposals
Issues and Planning Possibility of integrating the database in a project extranet to be investigated First version of database (D4.2.1) in Month 3 (end November 2002)