Much assistance from an outline by Ethan Longhenry.


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Presentation transcript:

Much assistance from an outline by Ethan Longhenry

Introduction WWith all the excitement generated around movies such as Harry Potter people are once again looking into the idea of magic and sorcery in greater numbers GGiven this new interest, we as Christians need to be able talk about this subject not only amongst ourselves but with the world around us

SSome of the questions I would like us to consider this morning are WWhat is sorcery? WWhat does it have to do with me? WWhy is it sinful? IIt is my goal to look into these questions through the use of scripture

What is Sorcery? Sorcery is not a word that we hear every day! Sorcery: Magic; enchantment; witchcraft; divination be the assistance of evil spirits, or the power of commanding evil spirits (Webster's) Sorcery, therefore, is the reliance on black arts or other forms of supernatural insight or ability, and not a reliance on God –H–How does this compare to the following scriptures? Prov 3:5 & Jer 17:5-9

–M–Magic tricks, which generally involve illusion but not substance, are not really under discussion here (although it is a form of deception) –W–What is under consideration is anything involving other forces Voodoo Magic spells Witchcraft of any kind Tarot card reading Psychic readings Seances Astrology Horoscopes

SSo what’s the big deal? WWhat’s the harm in having “a little fun” with psychics and reading horoscopes TThe bible clearly teaches us sorcery is sin GGal 5:19-21; Rev 9:21 & 18:23 TThe bible teaches that we are to abstain from evil and bad company corrupts good morals 11 Thess 5:22; 1 Cor 15:33; Ex 22:18

Why is Sorcery Wrong? FFrom the beginning, God has sought to be the spiritual power to whom people should turn EEx 20:3-5 (cf Jer 25:6 & 35:15); Ex 34:14; Col 2:6-10 TThe Bible makes it clear that our trust and confidence is to be in God alone AActs 26:17-18; Rom 1:16-17; 1 Thess 1:8-10; Heb 11:6

If our trust and confidence is in God, we have no reason to turn to forces of darkness! –C–Consider Ephesians 6:10-13 –W–Why would we turn to that which is against what is good and holy? –W–Why seek psychics when we can pray to God? –W–Why look to the stars for guidance in horoscopes when we can commune with their Creator (Gen 1) –W–Why tinker with magic and witchcraft when we could do good and obtain eternal life? –H–How can we fight on the Lord's side while using powers of darkness? Sorcery, therefore, is no light matter, and is to be thoroughly avoided!

Another Dimension to Sorcery TThe English concept of "sorcery" involves the matters we have described, and as we have seen, they are sinful TThe Greek word provides an additional concept we should consider GGreek pharmakeia (pharmacy) (Gal 5:20) ""the use or the administering of drugs; poisoning; sorcery, magical arts" (Thayer's)

How do drugs fit into sorcery? –W–We must consider the medical profession in the ancient world –W–While we today would separate the scientific study of medicine from the black arts practices of "witch doctors", that distinction was not kept in the ancient world –T–The same doctor who would perform surgeries or give out medicine would also make incantations to various gods or use magic or other black arts to effect a cure!

Does this mean, then, that the entire medical establishment is sinful? –A–Are we sinning by taking Tylenol or antibiotics or some other such thing? –T–The Scriptures do not indicate as much –1–1 Timothy 5:23: when Timothy has some stomach problems, Paul tells him to use some wine-- a medical prescription of sorts –L–Luke is called the "beloved physician" in Colossians 4:14, without any hint of condemnation of his occupation –T–The medical profession, therefore, is not condemned entirely under the idea of pharmakeia

Nevertheless, there is much that is condemned under that heading –A–As is well known, many drugs are consumed not for medical benefit but for recreational purposes –M–Most use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, PCP, methamphetamines, crystal methadone, LSD, ecstasy, opium, and abuse of prescription medications fit this concept –T–The drugs are enjoyed for "highs" and the ability to escape from the problems of life

SSuch is indeed sorcery-- it is a trust or enjoyment in powers and forces other than God! SSuch drugs do not lead to sobriety and self-control 11 Pet 4:7 & 5:8 MMany such drugs are illegal, and such is sufficient to condemn them (Romans 13:1-7) MMost such drugs become your master, and end up being your idol, for it is the drug whom you now serve (cf. Galatians 5:19-20, Matthew 6:21-24)

As Christians, therefore, we must think soberly about drugs and their use –A–Are we using them to get well or are we abusing them, thus committing sorcery? –D–Do we always remember to put our confidence in God and only secondarily trust in medicine and other such things? –W–Who is in control, us or the medication? Let us avoid committing sorcery by drug use or abuse!

Conclusion While the word sorcery is not often used, what it represents is quite devastating to society We should never participate with the forces of darkness, and thus reliance on astrology, alchemy, black arts, psychics, and other such things ought not be named among us! Likewise, we should avoid recreational drug use and keep medicine in its proper place! In all things let us put our trust in God and in Him alone (Mt 6:33) The powers of darkness cannot save us; drugs cannot really help us escape! Let us instead lean on the Creator of all things, He who can heal us and see us through (1 Peter 2:24)!