Looking at Sound Presented by
Activity: Dancing Salt MathScience Innovation Center 2010
Sound A form of energy produced and transmitted by vibrating matter. – Vibration: back and forth movement of molecules It travels in waves. MathScience Innovation Center 2010
Waves Complete to and fro movement There and back Full cycle MathScience Innovation Center 2010
How many full cycles? MathScience Innovation Center cycles3 waves
Wavelength the distance between one part of a wave and the same part of the next wave. MathScience Innovation Center 2010
Demonstration: Coil Spring MathScience Innovation Center 2010
Frequency MathScience Innovation Center 2010 the number of waves moving past a point in one second.
MathScience Innovation Center 2010 Which sound do you think has the higher frequency? time low high
Pitch MathScience Innovation Center 2010 the measure of how high or low a sound is. depends on the frequency of a sound wave.
MathScience Innovation Center 2010 Which sound do you think has the higher pitch? time low high
MathScience Innovation Center 2010 Which sound do you think sounds louder? time soft loud
MathScience Innovation Center 2010 Activity: FREEZE!
MathScience Innovation Center
Making Music MathScience Innovation Center 2010
E Notes: F G A B flat C D E F MathScience Innovation Center 2010 Higher Pitch Shorter Pipe G
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star MathScience Innovation Center 2010 F melody CCD CC D C harmony AABBA F Twin-kle,Twin-kle lit-tle star
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star MathScience Innovation Center 2010 melody GF harmony BBAAG GFGFEEC How I won-der what you are
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star MathScience Innovation Center 2010 melody C C G harmony AABB AA G FG F C Up a-bove the world so high
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star MathScience Innovation Center 2010 F melody CCD CC D C harmony AA BB A F Like a dia-mond in the sky.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star MathScience Innovation Center 2010 melody GF harmony BBAAG GFGFEEC Twin-kle,Twin-kle lit-tle star
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star MathScience Innovation Center 2010 melody C C G harmony AABB AA G FG F C How I won-der what you are.
Looking at our Song with the Waveport MathScience Innovation Center 2010
Review: Sound is caused by _________________ of matter MathScience Innovation Center 2010 vibrations The faster the vibration, the higher the _________________________. frequency or pitch The bigger the vibration the __________ the sound. louder
Chladni Plate MathScience Innovation Center 2010