Context: The question of pregnancy denial has recently busted in the public opinion of several European countries, often through tragic affairs of infanticides with high media coverage. For long the stereotype of pregnancy denials was that of a somewhat retarded teenager living in a disadvantaged disrupted family. Aim: to examine the question of pregnancy denials today among adolescents from 15 French cases. Population studied: denials are not systematically registered, even less among teenagers. Among our 15 denial cases, 5 women were pregnant around years old and filled in a questionnaire when consulting us, 6 were between 14 & 18 and wrote a record afterwards, 4 cases were brought up by clinicians. 10 denials were partial, 5 were total. Pregnancy denial is defined as being pregnant after the first trimester without being conscious about it. The denial is partial if the woman realizes she is pregnant before delivery, else, the denial is total. The overall estimated prevalence of pregnancy denials varies overall between 1/375 and 1/500 births. Pregnancy denial is not specific to a particular category of women, specifically regarding their age at pregnancy. It is characterized by minor or no changes of body weight and waist size, no perception of fetus movements, no or minor pregnancy symptoms, in cases periods are normal and physical activity can be intense. Conclusions: Teenager pregnancy denials are closer to early pregnancies than to pregnancy denials. They cumulate characteristics and risks of unknown and early pregnancies (except socio-economic status), lack of knowledge on female body and physiology, ambivalent child desire and dependence from parents. Those girls should be offered a multidisciplinary specific support and care (medical, obstetrical, social, psychological or educative). Pregnancy denial should be part of the overall awareness around adolescent sexual health and prevention. Pregnancy denials among teenagers, a presentation from 15 French cases Emmanuelle Godeau1,2, Félix Navarro1,3 1 Rectorat de Toulouse, France; 2 UMR Inserm U Université Paul Sabatier; 3 AFRDG (French association for the recognition of pregnancy denial), Toulouse Bibliography Navarro F, Delcroix M, Godeau E, Le déni de grossesse à l’adolescence, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychologie/ Revista Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente, 2011, 3: Teenage pregnancies often happen among disadvantaged and disrupted families. Pregnant teenagers often have a low self-esteem, low academic achievements and perspectives and perceive their pregnancy as a way to confirm their fertility and get a better status. Those girls are often engaged in multiple risk-behaviors: at-risk sexuality, substance use and violence. Those pregnancies are often secret, discovered late, hence poorly followed, with higher rates of low birth weight and premature babies. Delivery is usually fine, difficulties can occur around links with the baby, the young mother and the grand-mother. Specificity of teenager denials: early menarche, irregular cycles but as usual, no contraception, pregnancy revealed by others. Difficulties in admitting the pregnancy, in accepting the offspring, in dealing with the grand-mother. In most cases the denial will not reiterate. Characterized by: ambivalent child desire & dependence towards family. Logo A F R D G