PARTNERSHIPS IN SUPPORT OF CAADP A common framework to stimulate and guide the restoration of African agriculture Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) NEPAD – Agriculture (AU Summit Decision – 2003)
PARTNERSHIPS IN SUPPORT OF CAADP High and sustainable Agriculture Performance Food Security and Income Generation (Poverty Alleviation) Wealth creation and support to industrialization Socio-economic growth and improved standard of living and clean environment Target goal of 6% annual growth rate in agriculture productivity What CAADP set out to achieve
PARTNERSHIPS IN SUPPORT OF CAADP The Africa Forum – since 1997 ✔ Progressively African Agenda and ownership ✔ Focus on country-driven agriculture and RD ✔ Country Teams ✔ Country Action Plans ✖ Country teams have no mandate – no institutional basis
PARTNERSHIPS IN SUPPORT OF CAADP The CAADP Country Process ✔ African Agenda and shared vision ✔ Partnership and collaboration ✔ Inclusiveness ✔ Country capacity and systems ✖ Up-scaling best practices
PARTNERSHIPS IN SUPPORT OF CAADP The 2009 CAADP Africa Forum ✖ Too small role of Farmer Organisations and farmers ✔ Pan-African platform of exchange and learning ✔ Inclusiveness ✔ Country Teams with mandate
PARTNERSHIPS IN SUPPORT OF CAADP ✔ Pan-African platform of exchange and learning ✔ Driven by Regional Farmer Organisations ✔ Link to the CAADP process ✔ Country teams with mandate It is now up to the farmers and their organisations to make use of the Africa Forum as a way towards influencing the CAADP country process !!! CAADP can offer the bridge, but you have to cross it yourself...
PARTNERSHIPS IN SUPPORT OF CAADP CAADP Partnership Platform and CAADP Africa Forum CAADP PPCAADP Africa Forum RoleSupporting the CAADP country implementation process Sharing and learning platform on progress and best practices in agriculture PurposeDialogue and sharing among core institutions on their programmes and experiences to support CAADP Upscale best practices in agriculture across Africa as an input into country driven development of the agriculture and rural sector ProcessContent