Welcome to Year 5’s E Safety Assembly
Be careful what you click on !!!!!! Don’t click on anything if you don’t know what it is because you don’t know who you are giving your information to.
Don’t meet anyone you do not know from the internet Because you don’t know who they may be.
You can’t delete information When you delete something it stays on the facebook.com archives.
Keep settings private. You should keep your personal settings private! Otherwise people can see who you are, where you live and how to contact you!!!! Keep your children safe!
Always report bullying. We should always report bullying to the C.E.O.P. or someone who you trust. Maybe a parent, teacher or a family friend or relative.
Don’t speak to strangers! If you speak to strangers you don’t know who they are and what they are going to do! Sometimes people can lie to make you become their friend.
Always tell parents your password Here is my password... So that parents can check that you are staying safe.
Don’t give away personal information It is dangerous because you don’t know who your talking to.
Don’t play games with people you don’t know It is not safe to play online games with people you don’t know Don’t play online games with out permission off a adult For example Xbox,Playstasion,ipad,phones,laptop&computers Don’t play online games with out permission from an adult For example Xbox, PlayStation, I pad, phones, laptop & computers
Remember! Think Safe Think E Safe!