Implementation of PBL program for 2 nd year students in 2007 Presented by: Dr. Mirwais Sorosh Lecturer, KMU Human Anatomy Dept
Background Preclinical subjects (Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Biochemistry, and Embryology) are mainly taught in the 1 st class of Medical school PBL implementation as a pilot program, in 2006 Due to weak management and motivation PBL implementation was delayed
Strengths Trained team in the leadership level of the KMU Reasonable number of students Support of KMU leadership (Chancellor, Academic affairs Deputy) The PBL sessions are going to be scheduled in the timeframe of practical hours, and so, there is no need for time compensation
Goal Implementation of PBL as a proved effective method of active learning in KMU
Objectives Introducing a new method of teaching to KMU permanently Provision of effective learning processes to the students Motivated students to learn actively and self-directed learning Improvement of students’ communication skills Improved curriculum in KMU
Resources needed 11 tutors (Academic Deputy, EDC) Administrative assistant (Computer operator preferable) Space for 11 PBL classes (4 existing PBL rooms, 5 areas in anatomy teaching room, 2 rooms with lecturer/professor) Equipments for a normal PBL class (chairs, a table, a whiteboard, text books, etc)
Methodology Target group: 100 students, 1 st class (Faculties of Curative Medicine, Pediatrics) 11 tutors mainly from preclinical departments 14 case scenarios for the 2 nd semester, based on the current curriculum for the 2 nd year students (Dr. Hamkar) Biweekly examinations (Students’ assessment)
Methodology (Cont.) Biweekly exam questions are being prepared by responsible tutors to each PBL class (MCQs) The questions cover more than the topics specified in PBL scenarios Biweekly exam is only for the assessment of knowledge
Schedule May to June 2007 – Preparation of space (classrooms) and assigning tutors 1-30 July 2007 – Preparation of 14 Scenarios – Orientation to the new tutors by PBL committee In Sep 2007 the PBL tutorial is going to be started Two sessions for each tutorial class every week Written examination every 2 weeks Evaluation of PBL (Two)
Constraints Discipline-based Curriculum Lecturers’ low motivation Insufficient number of tutors Inadequate equipments needed for tutorial classes (Space, Lab equipments…) Insufficient expertise for evaluation of PBL implementation Ineffective expertise for development of effective and standard case scenarios Resistance toward PBL (Old professors)
Recommendations Revision of current curriculum and adopting body- system-based curriculum by KMU PBL should be accepted as a permanent and standard teaching methodology by KMU Students’ attendance should be compulsory in PBL tutorial classes PBL exam result makes 10% of final exam Reflection of PBL responsibilities in lecturers’ job descriptions Strengthening and empowering PBL committee in the KMU
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