European Project Semester Kiel University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Why attend EPS in Kiel? Live and study in a maritime university city with access to Baltic and North Sea Get acquainted with Germany, its culture and its industrial and business community Work in an international and interdisciplinary team Participate in various excursions, educational visits and cultural activities offered by the international office Improve your English
Who can apply? EPS is open to third year students Applicants must have a good working knowledge of English Applications are welcome from the full range of disciplines
What we offer: a series of seminars and tutorials covering hard and soft skills, subject/project-related topics as well as language skills and needs lessons of classic style to the more interactive (i.e. communicative) to the practical (incl. workshops) seminars and tutorials before and during the practical part each team will be provided with a student, academic and business coach recognition of 30 ECTS possibility of recognition as bachelor thesis
Courses during the EPS Project management Global business behavior International marketing & Market research English and German
Examples of EPS projects in Kiel Project areas: Condition monitoring center Commercialization of special sailing boats Biogas Compression Under water robotics Machinery service Driving cycle Marketing analysis for sheltered workshop Wind energy
Participants in 2008 in Kiel Universidad de Cantabria (ES) Université de Paris Sud (F) Kaunas University of Technology (LIT) Oslo University College (N) Yildiz Technical University (TR) South Dakota School of Mines (USA) Michigan Technological University (USA) Fachhochschule Kiel (D) 2 students 1 student 5 students 1 student 2 students 1 student 4 students __________ 17 students
Participants in 2009 in Kiel Universidad de Catalunya (E) Universidad Jaén (E) Université d’Artois (F) Oslo University College (N) Technical University of Lodz (PL) Yildiz Technical University (TR) Universidade de Aveiro (P) Universidade Estadual de Campinas (BR) Technical Educational Institute of Crete (GR) Fachhochschule Kiel (D) 2 students 1 student 3 students 2 students 1 student 6 students __________ 20 students
Participants in 2010 in Kiel Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes (F) Technical University of Lodz (PL) Universidad de Valencia (E) Universitat Politécnica de Cataluna, Vilanova (E) Technical Unviversity of Kaunas (LIT) Yildiz Technical University (TR) South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (USA) Michigan Technological University (USA) Fachhochschule Kiel (D) 2 students 1 students 3 student 2 students 1 student 4 students __________ 19 students
Participants in Kiel: study fields Industrial Robotics Shipbuilding/ Naval Architecture Electrical Engineering Informatics Mathematics Business Management Management and Marketing International Sales & Purchasing in Engineering
Fachhochschule Kiel - International Office International Students: ~ 400 International Exchange Students (incoming): ~ 50/year Outgoing Students: ~ 100/year 2006 and 2008: „Best University" for its excellent work in the area of ERASMUS exchanges: European Quality Label "E-Quality 2006" and "E-Quality 2008" by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Student Housing in Kiel: Residence halls owned by Studentenwerk(Student Services Schleswig-Holstein) Private Halls of Residence Costs: approx €
Living Costs No tuition fees. Semester contribution: 102,50 € (student services contribution) including bus and ferry ticket Health Insurance: ~ 67 € per month Accomodation: 170 – 230 € and more … Students Restaurant: 1,50 -2,50 € Total monthly costs: ~ €
The City of Kiel
Social Activities Kiel – Lübeck – Hamburg – Berlin
EPS 2011 in Kiel Deadline: Start: End: November 1st 2010 February 14th 2011 June 17th 2011
How to apply?
International Office Contact Fachhochschule Kiel International Office Heikendorfer Weg 31 D Kiel Tel.: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) de
EPS Co-ordinator Prof. Dr. Rainer Geisler Uta Roggenbrodt Kiel University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Grenzstr. 3, D Kiel