In the Holy Presence of God Lasallian Heritage Week 2014 April 28-May 2
From its foundation, our Institute has defined itself as being called by God to the educational service of the poor. In the past as now, our Institute has always concerned itself and continues to concern itself with this service. It is closely tied to social, cultural, and economic contexts, which vary greatly from country to country where our Institute is present. We are aware that our educational service of the poor cannot presume to solve all the problems of poverty in the world, but only specifically those which are related to education. As a group we follow the path which leads to the poor, acknowledging that God calls us to bring creative and generous responses to the world of the poor today, through fidelity to our founding charism. Our Institute does not presume that it alone has an effective educational approach and strategy to deal with present forms of poverty. For this reason we consider it important to maintain relations and collaborate with other organizations and other agencies (political, social, and religious) that work to resolve urgent problems regarding the poor at the local, Regional, and international level. Monday Morning Prayer Twin Dress Launch the supply drive for Father Ed Judy House
From: J.K. Mullen High School Profile of a Graduate The purpose of J.K. Mullen High School is to provide all students the highest quality Catholic Education in the distinctive Lasallian tradition of education in the Holy Presence of God. Morning Prayer Teachers in uniform and students in jeans and favorite university wear Breakfast and lunch for staff Lasallian history and facts displayed in Heritage Hall Tuesday
Wednesday St. John Baptist de La Salle Born April 30, 1651 Died April 7, 1719 Canonized a Saint in the Catholic Church on May 24, 1900, and proclaimed Patron Saint of All Teachers of Youth Morning Prayer Mass Dress All school mass Collection for mission at mass Cake at lunch No Place for Home Solidarity Experience
Thursday RESPECT PLEDGE I believe in the equality of humankind and in the equal rights of every individual. I believe it is wrong to be prejudiced or cruel, physically or emotionally, to any person or group of people. I will not intimidate, be cruel to, or act superior to others. I will honor and support the equal rights of everyone, and I will look deep into myself to see that I uphold this promise in every way. I will work to educate others so that they will not be prejudiced or cruel. I will act to stop prejudice and cruelty every time I am aware that it is happening or is about to happen. I have the courage to take this stand, because I am Lasallian. Morning Prayer Jeans and “peace/respect” shirts Respect Pledge
Friday WE ARE MULLEN! Morning Prayer Spirit Dress Pep rally Lasallian star photo Collection items delivered to Father Ed Judy House
St. John Baptist de La Salle Pray for Us MULLEN SOLIDARITY PRAYER God, our Father, we pray to you as one, and we dedicate ourselves to each other, brothers and sisters in St. John Baptist de La Salle. We will love one another with care and with vigilance. We will serve one another with faith and with zeal. We will be your light to the world and we will stand together always. We are your children. We are one family. We are Mullen. Amen.