Getting to Know: Building the Community
What do you consider as your most meaningful experience as a Lasallian ?
The Four Documents Foundational Principles of Lasallian Formation Principles of Lasallian Education in the Philippines Principles of Lasallian Social Development Lasallian Associations, Associates and Other Relationships
What are we as Lasallians? What are we about?
Foundational Principles of Lasallian Formation Spirit of Faith Zeal for Service for the Integral Salvation for All Communion in Mission
Principles of Lasallian Education in the Philippines Lasallian schools are educational communities Lasallian learners are gifted individuals Lasallian educators are service oriented professionals Lasallian education experiences are dynamic
Principles on Lasallian Social Development Bringing forth awareness and deeper understanding of social realities Effect liberating action Be in solidarity with progressive elements of the larger community and to bring fourth a society that is keeping in God’s plan
Members of the Lasallian Family Lasallian Partner Lasallian Associations Lasallian Assocociat e Lasallian Individuals Lasallian Groups Lasallian Partner Groups Lasallian Assocociat ions Lasallian Groups
Lasallian Guiding Principles LS Formation LS Education LS Social Development Association SI 2: Lasallian Formation SI 1: Lasallian Identity, Vocation & Association SI 3: Quality of Lasallian Education SI 4: Access to Lasallian Education SI 5: One La Salle SI 6: Social Involvement: Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation AVATARS Faith Faith Service Service Communion