Adolesence HBSE II – Session 6
Adolescence – Physical Changes Early: 11-14 years Middle: 15-18 years Late: 18-21 years Adolescence has been described as a “socially constructed” age; it has a universal cultural context – the transition from childhood to adulthood. The one we recognize now in the western industrialized world was created in the late 19th century: 1) extended formal schooling; 2) prolonged economic dependency
Adolescence – Physical Changes Puberty: Physical growth Secondary sex characteristics Reproductive capacity Menarche First menstruation Average age of onset: 12-15 years; varies significantly across global comparisons Does not indicate fertility – may occur much later – pelvic bones of average female cannot sustain a normal pregnancy until about 16-17 years of age
Adolescence - Psychological Recapitulation of infancy (struggle to regain mastery; individuate; preoccupation with the present) – Freud, Mahler et al Identity formation: Identity vs. role diffusion (Erikson); resolve identities in both the individual and social spheres (who am I? Who do people think I am?) “Disorders of the self”: vulnerable to low self-esteem, lack of goals, immobilization or dangerous acting out and risk-taking behaviors
Adolescence - Sexuality Sexual identity development: cultural context for sexual experimentation, role play Dominant heterosexual culture demands conformity – how does someone develop an alternative sexual identity? “Coming out” – stage linear theory: 1) self-labeling, disclosure to others, public disclosure Gender differences in sexual identity development Racial/ethnic differences in non-heterosexual identity development Little research on transgender identity development
Adolescence – Racial/ethnic Identity Development Socio-cultural context Stage theory: Phinney “Unexamined ethnic identity” – lack of self-awareness; minimal conflict “Ethnic identity search” – period of exploration, may be discomfort because of conflicts, oppositional identity “achieved ethnic identity” – positive attitude towards one’s own identity, sense of belonging
Adolescence – Changing Significance of Attachment Desire for independence, peer group, identity, interest in sexuality Parents and other authority figures are less significant Parental role shifts Developmental differences in life stage between parents and adolescents “Separation-individuation” process requires parents to set goals for independence and autonomy; parents can provide a secure base; adolescents move away from being cared for to taking on caretaking roles themselves
Adolescence - Challenges Teen pregnancy Teen pregnancy rates in the US have declined steadily: 117 per 1000 in 1990 to 67 per 1000 in 2010 (37% decline) 86% is attributable to use of contraception 59% of teen pregnancies end in birth; 30% in abortion International Comparison: Canada (27 per 1000) Sweden (31 per 1000) What factors are involved in teen pregnancy?