MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier MS (228) Introduction to Customized Employment: The new competitive edge An individualized approach to providing access to employment for students and adults with significant disabilities
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customized Employment Individualizing the employment relationship between employees and employers in ways that meet the needs of both. Based on an individualized determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the person with a disability, and is also designed to meet the specific needs of the employer.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customization and Complex Lives DisabilityHealthPovertyHomelessness Family responsibilities Lack of experience or skills Low self-esteem Cultural issues Age: youth/maturity Minority status Lack of education Habits/life routines Lack of transportation
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customized Negotiables from Applicants to Employers Essential responsibilities as detailed in job descriptions Plus… Time, hours, location, etc for work to be performed Support and supervision strategies Productivity and outcome expectations
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customizing a job for an applicant Customizing a job requires that we look into at least five components from the applicant’s perspective: 1.An Applicant’s Conditions 2.General Preference/Interest Areas 3.Contributions to be offered 4.Discrete Tasks to be Performed 5.Specific Employers to be Contacted
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customization is for Everyone Ask yourself: 1.Have you ever successfully customized the requirements of a job for yourself? 2.What work conditions would you like to customize for a new job? 3.What are your strongest preferences? 4.What are your best contributions? 5.What tasks do you do well? 6.Is there a particular employer you would like to work for?
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Everyone Customizes… Most employees, soon after landing a “competitive job” begin subtly customizing the features of that job to meet their individual needs. Customized Employment simply seeks to start the process before the job is developed, in upfront negotiations with employers.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customization of the employment relationship Successful customized employment requires a “value exchange” -- the value that an applicant brings in relation to the value that an employer receives. A meaningful employment relationship results when both parties reach a minimal threshold of acceptance of their negotiables.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Using a “Template” Strategy The Applicant’s skills, interests and conditions – their contributions - for employment are presented to the prospective employer for consideration. The Employer’s needs provide the basis for the applicant’s contributions to be considered as an overlay or template. A customized job description can then be negotiated.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Lining up the template The applicant’s contributions are considered in relation to the employer’s needs. The negotiation process involves creating an understanding on the part of the employer that the applicant’s unique contributions are matched to bona fide employer needs much like lining up tasks on a transparent overlay to an original.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customization: More than Matching While good job matching is a necessary component of customization, customized employment involves additional components. Customized employment involves negotiating the essential responsibilities of the job as well as the employer’s expectations on behalf of the applicant.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customized Employment Customized employment typically requires both representation and negotiation in order to individualize job descriptions
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Determining the Driver The primary driver of customized employment is the individual. It starts with the person, not the labor market. However, employers are a critical secondary driver of customized employment. Their needs allow for negotiations that result in customized job descriptions.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) The critical role of supports According to the DOL definition of CE, supports must be available to individuals, as necessary, to accomplish the contributions to employers. If individuals require on-going, intensive supports, we must assure access to those supports. CE must not have an “independent performance” threshold.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Customized Employment: Fits the applicant and meet employer needs Carved Jobs: Job descriptions based on tasks derived from a single traditional job Negotiated Jobs: Job descriptions based on tasks derived from a variety of jobs Created Jobs: Job descriptions based on heretofore unmet needs of the setting Micro-enterprises: Small businesses based on unmet needs of a local market
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Carved Jobs: Tasks derived from a file clerk position to do sorting and filing
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Example of a Shared, Carved Job: Maintaining customer database for A/V company
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Negotiated job in retail setting
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Negotiated Jobs: Performing various jobs within a music store – set-up, cleaning, etc.
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Negotiated job in child care: began as a carved job
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Created Jobs: Offering delivery in an insurance company
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Micro-business: Starting a coffee shop
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Components of Customized Employment Job Seeker Exploration Creating a Blueprint for Job Development Negotiating with Employers
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Do you use this Brochure? Share it with: staff, partners, customers, significant others, employers, community
MG&A © Marc Gold & Associates 4101 Gautier-Vancleave Rd. Ste. 102 Gautier, MS (228) Overview of Customized Employment Teleconference Series Session II: Discovery and Exploration; the foundation of Customized Employment November 29th, 2005 November 29th, :00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time Ellen Condon & Norciva Shumpert Ellen Condon & Norciva Shumpert Session III: Customized Employment Planning December 13th, 2005 December 13th, :00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time Melinda Mast & Norciva Shumpert Melinda Mast & Norciva Shumpert Session IV: Representation and Negotiation on behalf of one Job Seeker January 3rd, 2006 January 3rd, :00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time Mike Callahan & Norciva Shumpert Mike Callahan & Norciva Shumpert Session V: Engaging Employers January 17th, 2006 January 17th, :00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Time Rich Luecking & Norciva Shumpert Rich Luecking & Norciva Shumpert