Proposed Land Use & Development Regulations Public Hearing Month Day, 2012
Agenda Agenda for Hearing 1.Planning Commission summarizes major changes 2.Public comments directed to Planning Commission 3.Planning Commission answers clarifying questions 4.General comments from Planning Commission and public at the end.
Calais Land Use & Development Regulations Approval Process 1.PC reviews & revises existing regulations 2.PC holds public hearings -- June 3.PC reviews comments and makes revisions – July/Aug 4.PC holds public hearing -- September 5.Forward proposed regulations to Selectboard 6.Selectboard holds hearing & amends proposed regulations as necessary – Oct/Dec 7.Town Meeting: vote on Bylaws by Australian ballot
Approval Process *Multiple meetings may be held by PC and the Selectboard Planning Commission drafts or considers bylaw Selectboard considers bylaw/revises Public Hearing* Public Hearing* Selectboard votes on adoption Bylaw Adoption Processes See statute details: 24 VSA §§ Vote at Town Meeting
Calais Land Use & Development Regulations Sections 1: Purpose and Permit Procedures 2: Zoning Districts 3: Requirements that Apply to all Zoning Permits 4: Specific Use Regulations 5: Development Review (Conditional Use, Flood Hazard Area & Design Review) 6: Subdivision Review 7: Planned Unit Development (PUDs) 8: Authority and Administration 9: Definitions
Goal of Amendments To guide growth to protect natural resources while promoting flexibility for land owners
Land Use and Development Regulations What's Changed? Divided Rural Residential District into Two Districts o Residential District o Rural District Revised Provisions for Mixed Uses and Parking New “Natural Resources Overlay” District Revised Subdivision Thresholds Standards for Prime Agricultural Soils Standards for Wildlife Linkages. Expanded Use of Density Averaging o Simplified permit review process o Opportunity to shift development to most suitable area of a lot o Allow density averaging across multiple parcels
Expanded Use of Density Averaging What is density averaging? Flexibility to design a subdivision in response to the specific characteristics of the property, rather than inflexible dimensional requirements. Flexibility to protect important resources. Removes disincentives to identifying and conserving resources on a property. A tool for owners of working land to subdivide small lots while retaining ownership of much of the balance of their property. An alternative to fragmentation of land into residential lots that are “too big to mow and too small to plow”
Expanded Use of Density Averaging How does Density Averaging Work? Variable lot sizes may be created, as long as the total number of lots does not exceed maximum overall density (total parcel area divided by minimum lot size). A portion of the parcel is permanently set aside from development. This land may be owned by individual lot owners, or held in common.
Density Averaging on Multiple Parcels Density Averaging Example I: Contiguous Parcels Divided by a Road Conventional Subdivision
Density Averaging on multiple parcels Density Averaging Example II: Non-Contiguous Parcels, Different Districts Conventional Subdivision
Density Averaging on multiple parcels Density Averaging If the resources on the parcel to remain undeveloped are particularly important, density may be transferred at a ratio greater than 1:1 Conventional Subdivision
Subdivision Thresholds Current Regulations Boundary line adjustment reviewed by the Zoning Administrator Any subdivision of three or fewer lots = “minor subdivision” reviewed by the Zoning Administrator Any subdivision of four or more lots = “major subdivision” reviewed by the DRB. All major subdivisions require conceptual, preliminary, and final review.
Subdivision Thresholds Proposed Regulations Boundary line adjustment reviewed by the Zoning Administrator Subdivisions of five or fewer lots which utilize density averaging = “minor subdivision” reviewed by the Zoning Administrator All other subdivisions = “major subdivision” reviewed by the DRB. All major subdivisions require conceptual and final review. Preliminary review only required at the discretion of the DRB.
Divided Rural Residential District Current Regulations Most of Calais in Rural Residential District Minimum Lot Size: 3 acres Proposed Regulations Residential District o Minimum Lot Size: 2 acres o Boundaries being defined: Generally areas in vicinity of existing Villages and Calais Elementary School Rural District o Minimum Lot Size: 3 acres o Includes all other areas currently within the Rural Residential District
Divided Rural Residential District
Natural Resources Overlay District Overlay covering three types of wildlife habitat Deer Wintering Areas (Deer Yards) Core Forest Habitat Black Bear Reproductive Habitat Development is allowed, as long as it is sited to minimize adverse impact on habitat areas. In overlay and more than 200 feet from Road = Conditional In overlay and less than 200 feet from Road = Permitted
Prime Agricultural Soils Standards for development in prime agricultural soils Rural District – Place development at fields edge, or least productive soils Residential District -- Place development at fields edge, or utilize soils as central greens, community gardens, etc. Ag soils and more than 200 feet from Road = Conditional Ag soils and less than 200 feet from Road = Permitted
Wildlife Linkages Wildlife linkages = paths between habitat areas Where possible, development should be located outside wildlife linkages. Development in a wildlife linkage = Conditional Use Must be located to minimize adverse impacts on the linkage.
Density Averaging and Natural Resources Density averaging can allow landowners to develop their property while avoiding impacts on resources es Density averaging allows lots and buildings to be located away from wildlife habitat and linkage Less than five lots are created using density averaging. The subdivision is “minor” and can be reviewed by the ZA. No DRB hearing is needed. Resources are protected while the landowner is still able to develop their property.
Mixed Use and Parking Standards Mixed Use Standards Allow mixed use structures as a permitted use if all component uses are permitted in the district Allow multifamily housing in some districts. Require screening/landscaping for larger structures Parking Standards Allow offsite parking and parking in public lots Allow the DRB to require less parking when customers are likely to access the use or through another means other than the automobile. Require visual screening for parking lots with five or more spaces
Calais Land Use & Development Regulations Approval Process 1.PC reviews and revises existing regulations 2.PC holds hearing(s), accepts comments 3.PC reviews comments and makes revisions as necessary. 4.Forward proposed regulations to Selectboard 5.Selectboard holds hearings, accepts comments, amends regulations as necessary. 6.Selectboard holds additional hearings if amendments are made 7.Selectboard adopts new regulations 8.(Does Calais Vote on Bylaws via Australian ballot?) 9.Regulations take effect 21 days after adoption.
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