Mentoring Beginning Teachers A Policy for Race to the Top Recruiting, developing, rewarding, and retaining effective teachers and principals, especially where they are needed most. A Race to the Top Assurance Aids Recruitment Encourages Retention Helps Revitalize
50 % by fifth year 33% by third year 15% by first year New teachers who leave the profession 50% by end of fifth year 33% by end of third year 15% by end of first year Why do we need a Beginning Teacher Mentoring Program?
EnthusiasmLack Skills Feelings of Isolation Time Management Classroom Management Optimism Wanting to make a difference Why is that happening?
What is a mentor? To the NOVICE TEACHER Provides emotional support Suggests Teaching strategies Continued guidance over a prolonged period
What are the benefits? New Teacher Induction, Recruitment, and Retaining Professional development and innovation Career Enhancement
How is a mentoring program developed? Strategically!
What are some challenges of providing a mentoring program? Money Relationship problems Lack of commitment Lack of training District change in priorities Lack of time, resources
“The problem is not that we don’t know how to support beginning teachers; it is that we have not yet developed the commitment to do so routinely.” National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, 1996
It’s time to adopt the policy. Mentoring beginning teachers…it just makes sense. Race to the Top