Migration by Portfolio to Part 3 of the NMC Register – why bother? Mel Ottewill Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust SSHA Conference 2008
We will cover… Background About the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing part of the NMC Register Migration by portfolio Demonstrating evidence Frequently asked questions…is it worth it?!
Background Sexual Health Advisers – a professional group? Reports highlighting need for registration of practitioners Need to develop & deliver contemporary sexual health services…individual & population level; service user voice How should the workforce develop? Consultation by SSHA with DoH & NMC (& UKVPHR) Led to agreement to offer education leading to registration to future Sexual Health Advisers via the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Programme
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Future preparation of SHAs (theory & practice) can be via the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Programme Based on 10 key principles of public health From 2008 Universities may offer a pathway in Sexual Health Advising alongside those preparing Health Visitors, School Nurses & Occupational Health Nurses
Migration by Portfolio Opportunity to migrate by portfolio from Oct 2007-Dec 2009 if meet criteria Application pack (4) & proforma from uk.orgwww.nmc- uk.org A number of HEIs have agreed to verify portfolios (NMC website, annexe 8 of the SCPHN section) Registration entitles applicant to call themselves a specialist community public health nurse No academic award without undertaking the nursing programme (AP(E) L)
10 principles of public health: - Surveillance & assessment of the population’s health & wellbeing - Collaborative working for health & wellbeing - Working with, & for, communities to improve health & wellbeing - Developing health programmes & services & reducing inequalities - Policy & strategy development & implementation to improve health & wellbeing - Research & development to improve health & wellbeing - Promoting & protecting the population’s health & wellbeing - Developing quality & risk management within an evaluative culture - Strategic leadership for health & wellbeing - Ethically managing self, people & resources to improve health & wellbeing
Migration by portfolio - cont Each principle is sub-divided into a number of different factors eg. Collaborative working for health & wellbeing has 2 sub-divisions: - Raise awareness about health & social wellbeing & related factors, services & resources - Develop, sustain & evaluate collaborative work
Demonstrating evidence You need to provide 3 pieces of ‘Knows-how’ & 3 pieces of ‘Shows-how’ evidence for each element of each of the 10 Principles You can use the same pieces of evidence multiple times! There are some key texts… Groups of 2-4, for next 10mins pick one principle & brain-storm what know-how & shows-how evidence you could use for each of the elements Feedback…Questions…?
Some key texts Craig PM & Lindsay GM (Eds) (2000) Nursing for Public Health. Population-based care Burley S, Mitchell EE, Melling K, et al.(1997) Contemporary Community Nursing Mitcheson et al (2008) Public Health Approaches to Practice. Department of Health (2001) The national strategy for sexual health and HIV Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health (2005) Recommended Standards for Sexual Health
Frequently asked questions Do I have to do this? - No! What power does Anne McNall’s document have? - It is a guidance document (English DoH)…reflecting the focus on public health to tackle inequalities in sexual health. Considers developments in workforce to best meet future need. A vision document Why bother? - Advantages are…. - Disadvantages are… In future, will everyone wanting to be a Sexual Health Adviser have to do this course? - Depends on SHA adoption of the guidance & if development of the workforce in this way is seen to best meet LDPs/respond to sexual health needs Who will fund me? - various possibilities…
Sources of support University SCPHN pathway lead/lecturer Sexual Health Adviser’s who have migrated by portfolio Key texts Professionals who have undertaken the SCPHN programme [modules/master classes to upskill in deficit areas]