Jeopardy Russia & Europe Africa & more SW Asia South / East Asia Australia / Oceania Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Europe and Russia When considering Europe & Asia as one continent, its referred to as what?
$100 Answer from Europe and Russia What is Eurasia?
$200 Question from Europe and Russia This mountain range in Europe stretches predominately in an east – west direction
$200 Answer from Europe and Russia What are the Alps?
$300 Question from Europe and Russia The breakup of this country on the Balkan peninsula came as a result of ethnic conflict.
$300 Answer from Europe and Russia What is Yugoslavia?
$400 Question from Europe and Russia In many Scandinavian countries, the government provides free health care and other services to its citizens. This is know as what?
$400 Answer from Europe and Russia What is social welfare?
$500 Question from Europe and Russia This leader of Russia is famous for the reforms of glasnost and perestroika.
$500 Answer from Europe and Russia Who is Mikhail Gorbachev ?
$100 Question from Africa & more Most African nations are better or worse off economically today than they were in the 60s
$100 Answer from Africa & more What is worse
$200 Question from Africa & more The Suez Canal allows access between the Mediterranean Sea and what other body of water?
$200 Answer from Africa & more What is the Red Sea?
$300 Question from Africa & more This group gained power in Afghanistan & imposed strict rules on the behavior of people.
$300 Answer from Africa & more Who are the Taliban?
$400 Question from Africa & more This is the Islamic month-long period of fasting and prayer
$400 Answer from Africa & more What is Ramadan
$500 Question from Africa & more An example of economic integration and political cooperation is best seen in what group of European nations?
$500 Answer from Africa & more What is the European Union?
$100 Question from SW Asia These are necessary for large-scale farming to take place in SW Asia
$100 Answer from SW Asia What are dams and irrigation systems
$200 Question from SW Asia All Muslims are expected to make a pilgrimage to this city
$200 Answer from SW Asia What is Mecca
$300 Question from SW Asia These two groups are not willing to give up their claims to Jersalem
$300 Answer from SW Asia Who are the Palestinians & Israelis
$400 Question from SW Asia In many developing countries young professionals leave their country to pursue better opportunities elsewhere. Geographers refer to this phenomenon as what?
$400 Answer from SW Asia What is brain drain?
$500 Question from SW Asia This group considers themselves a stateless nation after the creation of Israel
$500 Answer from SW Asia Who are the Palestinians
$100 Question from South / East Asia Where do most Japanese live?
$100 Answer from South / East Asia What are cities?
$200 Question from South / East Asia In Japanese feudal society, these served as bodyguards and warriors of clan leaders
$200 Answer from South / East Asia What are the samurai?
$300 Question from South / East Asia The inability to read or write is
$300 Answer from South / East Asia What is illiteracy
$400 Question from South / East Asia This uprising in China resulted from the foreign Spheres of influence in the country in the late 1800s and early 1900s
$400 Answer from South / East Asia What is the Boxer Rebellion?
$500 Question from South / East Asia This type of protest movement was created by Gandhi, and later inspired others, such as Martin Luther King
$500 Answer from South / East Asia What is non-violent resistance?
$100 Question from Australia / Oceania In 1946, the U.S. began to test nuclear bombs on
$100 Answer from Australia / Oceania What is the Bikini Atoll
$200 Question from Australia / Oceania What type of colony was Australia used for by the British?
$200 Answer from Australia / Oceania What is a prison colony?
$300 Question from Australia / Oceania Most of the islands of SE Asia are found in sets of closely grouped islands called
$300 Answer from Australia / Oceania What are archipelagoes
$400 Question from Australia / Oceania Many of Australias minerals are located in this dry, sparsely populated region
$400 Answer from Australia / Oceania What is the Outback?
$500 Question from Australia / Oceania Due to its temperate climate and adequate precipitation, where do most of Australias population live?
$500 Answer from Australia / Oceania What is the east coast?
Final Jeopardy Children should obey their parents, and parents should obey the emperor is the teaching based on what Chinese philosopher?
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Confucius?