Solving N+k Queens Using Dancing Links Matthew A. Wolff Morehead State University May 19, 2006
Agenda Motivation Terms Problem Definition Timing Results for various N+1 Programs Future Work
Motivation NASA EPSCoR grant (Subcontract # WKURF ) Began working with Chatham and Skaggs in November Doyle added DLX (Dancing Links) at beginning of Spring '06 semester Senior Project
Category of Problems 8 Queens 8 attacking queens on an 8x8 chess board N Queens N attacking queens on an NxN chess board N+1 Queens N+1 attacking queens on an NxN chess board 1 Pawn used to block two or more attacking queens N+k Queens N+k attacking queens on an NxN chess board k Pawns used to block numerous attacking queens
Recursion "To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion" -- Tina Mancuso understandrecursion understandrecursionunderstandrecursion understandrecursion “A function is recursive if it can be called while active (on the stack).” i.e. It calls itself
Recursion in Art
Recursion in Computer Science // precondition: n >= 0 // postcondition: n! is returned factorial (int n) { if (n == 1) or (n == 0) return 1; else return (n*factorial(n-1)); }
Backtracking An example of backtracking is used in a depth-first search in a binary tree: Let t be a binary tree depthfirst(t) { if (t is not empty) { access root item of t; depthfirst(left(t)); depthfirst(right(t)); } }
Backtracking Example Output: A – B – D – E – H – I – C – F - G
Main Focus: N+k Queens Why? Instead of focusing on specific solutions (N+1, N+2,...), we will be able to solve any general statement (N+k) of the “Queens Problem.” Implementing a solution is rigorous and utilizes many important techniques in computer science such as parallel algorithm development, recursion, and backtracking
Chatham, Fricke, Skaggs Proved N+k queens can be placed on an NxN board with k pawns.
N+K – what to do? N+k presents a very large problem 1 Pawn meant an extra for loop around everything k Pawns would imply k for loops around everything Dynamic for loops? Search for a better way… Dancing Links
Why “Dancing Links?” Structure & Algorithm Comprehendible (Open for Debate…) Increased performance DLX is supposedly quicker than a standard backtracking algorithm Made popular by Knuth via his circa 2000 article
“The Universe” Multi-Dimensional structure composed of circular, doubly linked-lists Each row and column is a circular, doubly linked-list
Visualization of “The Universe”
The Header node The “root” node of the entire structure Members: Left pointer Right pointer Name (H) Size: Number of “Column Headers” in its row.
Column Headers Column Headers are nodes linked horizontally with the Header node Members: Left pointer Right pointer Up pointer Down pointer Name (R w, F x, A y, or B z ) Size: the number of “Column Objects” linked vertically in their column
Column Objects Grouped in two ways: All nodes in the same column are members of the same Rank, File, or Diagonal on the chess board Linked horizontally in sets of 4 {R w, F x, A y, or B z } Each set represents a space on the chess board Same members as Column Headers, but with an additional “top pointer” which points directly to the Column Header
Mapping the Chess Board
The Amazing TechniColor Chess Board
The Dance Steps The entire algorithm is based off of two simple ideas: Cover: remove an item Node.right.left = Node.left Node.left.right = Node.right Uncover: insert the item back Node.right.left = Node Node.left.right = Node
Dance Steps, cont. void search(k): if (header.right == header) {finished} else c = choose_column() cover(c) r = c.down while (r != c) j = r.right while (j != r) cover( j = j.right # place next queen search(k+1) c = j = r.left while (j != r) uncover( j = j.left # completed search(k) uncover(c) {finished}
1x1 Universe: Before
1x1 Universe: After
Modifying for N+k Queens 1 Pawn will cut its row, column, and diagonal into 2 separate pieces Just add these 4 new Column Headers to the universe, along with their respective Column Objects k Pawns will cut their rows, columns, and diagonals into…. ? separate pieces. Still need to add these extra Column Headers, but how many are there and how many Column Objects are in each?
It Slices, It Dices… Find ALL valid Pawn Placements (N-2) 2 choose k = lots of combinations Then build 4 NxN arrays One for each Rank, File, and Diagonal “Scan” through arrays: For Ranks: scan horizontally (Files: vertically, Diagonals: diagonally) Reach the end or a Pawn, increment 1
Example of Rank “Scan”
N+1 Queens Varying Language, Algorithm
N+1 Queens Parallel Backtracking vs. DLX
N+1 Queens Sequential DLX vs. Parallel DLX
Interesting Tidbit: Sequential DLX vs. Parallel C++
Questions? Thank you! Dr. Chatham Dr. Doyle Mr. Skaggs