F451 Discussions for Section II The Sieve and the Sand
Q1: What is the rest of the world like? How come America looks so good? How is this similar to the world today?
Q2: What is the sand? What is the Sieve? How is this significant/symbolic in section II?
Q3: How is Faber a coward?
Q4: How do books have pores? Why is a face with pores more attractive than one without? What are the three steps needed to use books?
Q5: How does Montag get the professor to help him? What does the professor give him? Why is this important?
Q6: What mistake could Montag be making in his dealings with Faber?
Q7: Faber says, Those who dont build, burn. What does he mean? Apply it to our world.
Q-ALL: What is Beattys role in F451?
AFTER DISCUSSION: Write a reflection (about 200 words) that discusses new insights you received, regarding the text, as a result of the discussion. Review key ideas that were discussed and explain their significance.