Some paint-spattered students …
students with a blue kiddie pool...
The Bill of Rights … in Spanish El Congreso de los Estados Unidos tiene prohibido establecer leyes para: la creación de una iglesia oficial; limitar el libre ejercicio de cualquier religión; limitar el libre ejercicio de la palabra o de la prensa; limitar el derecho de reunión con fines pacíficos; limitar el derecho de peticionar al gobierno para corregir injusticias. …
Sidewalk chalk writing …
and a flock of cute baby chicks!
Why are they alike?? Painty Students Sidewalk chalk message Bill of Rights in Spanish Students with a blue kiddie pool A flock of baby chicks
ACHS Project on Social Responsibility Pilot Grants to Chapter Advisors,
Seven Wonders of the Socially Responsible World
Sigma Delta Pi Alpha Phi Chapter, Texas Tech FORUM ON PEACE & SECURITY Faculty experts from different departments Other campus & community groups involved: –Phi Kappa Phi –Phi Beta Kappa –African Student Organization –Campus Crusade for Christ –(numerous student ethnic and national affinity groups) –U.S. Air Force ROTC –Rotary Club of Lubbock –Texas Tech Conflict Prevention Center Sigma Delta Pi will hold forum every semester
Alpha Chi, Zeta Chapter University of Arkansas, Monticello Partnered with Phi Alpha Theta to: Clean and Paint Drew County Historical Museum buildings Provide a keynote speaker for regional Phi Alpha Theta meeting Co-sponsored by Alpha Chi national
Alpha Chi, Rho Chapter Evangel College Alpha Chi, Rho Chapter Evangel College LIVE LOVE: GET THE POINT Co-sponsored by Alpha Chi national Partnered with Society for Collegiate Journalists Used grant to send baby chicks to Jamaica Organized campus recycling Organized campus-wide games to raise nutrition awareness
Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society Delta Omega Chapter, Purdue University SOCIAL JUSTICE: A FOCUS ON CIVIC LITERACY AND CITIZENSHIP Partnered with Golden Key Pocket-size U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights bookmarks Conversations with citizens, civic literacy Campus poster contest on Social Responsibility
Alpha Chi, Mu Chapter University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff MINI-SUMMITS ON EDUCATION & ETHICAL CONDUCT Partnered with STEM & Honor Students Assoc. Local leaders from corporate, professional, & education spheres Three “summits” on ethical problems in each area Students employed critical thinking to find socially responsible solutions Will continue the program in future
Lambda Pi Eta, Xi Phi Chapter Wittenberg University Lambda Pi Eta, Xi Phi Chapter Wittenberg University PROJECT TO FOSTER COMMUNICATION BETWEEN COMMUNITY & STUDENTS Clean up Snyder park & Simon Kenton Trail Partnered with Mortar Board Builds sense of social engagement in students Advances ideal of “unified Springfield” Advances university’s mission statement: “Wittenberg challenges students to become global citizens, … and to lead … civic lives of creativity … and integrity.”
Kappa Omicron Nu, Kappa Delta Omicron Chapter, Meredith College IMPROVING SUSTAINABILITY PRACTICES Co-sponsored by KON national Support from campus Sustainability Coordinator Campus-wide information campaign on sustainability, including using sidewalk chalk for messages
ACHS Chapter Grants on Social Responsibility Topics Addressed Sustainability Community Service Historic Preservation Peace and Security Civic Literacy Ethics Nutrition