How to apply Qwizdom Question Types to your PowerPoint
Ideas for obtaining information and opinions from the participants…… There are different ways of asking questions and you can choose the most appropriate type of question, depending on the information you require.
Multiple choice question…. Gaining feedback from the participants by offering choices……………
What percentage growth do you expect to see next year? A)20% B)10% C)No growth D)-10% E)-20%
Numeric………… Asking a numeric question might result in a more honest result……there are no options for the participants to choose from.
Please enter a number……….. How many people would you like to be allocated per team?
Yes or No A Yes / No response gives a quick idea of the level of knowledge or understanding of the group………
Yes or No Are you confident the organisation will meet the outlined objectives for next year?
True or False Similarly, a True / False response is a quick test of the knowledge of the group…
True or False The majority of staff are happy within their job roles
Sequencing…….. A useful way of gauging opinion on priorities……….
What do you think are the priorities for the sales department in the next 3 months? Order the choices... 1)Training for field staff on product A 2)Training for in-house staff on product B 3)Launching product C into the European market 4)Better knowledge of competitor products 5)A new incentive scheme
Multiple Mark….. …..allows participants to choose more than one option from a list. This is another way of gauging the priorities of the group.
What are the main priorities? Choose all that apply... A)Training for field staff on product A B)Training for in-house staff on product B C)Launching product C into the European market D)Better knowledge of competitor products E)A new incentive scheme
Voting…… Similar to multiple mark, but with a voting question a vote is cast for each choice that is made.
Choose 3 from the following…..Cast your vote... A) Training for field staff on product A B) Training for in-house staff on product B C) Launching product C into the European market D) Better knowledge of competitor products E) A new incentive scheme
Rating Scale……. A straightforward way of gathering the opinion of the group……
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent, rate the following…… Product A
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent, rate the following…… Product B
Multiple choice…….. Instant conference feedback…….
How would you rate the conference? A)Very Useful B)Quite useful C)Satisfactory D)Not very useful E)Disappointing
Multiple Mark…… More specific feedback………….
Which sessions were particularly useful? Choose all that apply... A)Sales overview B)Marketing C)Promotional literature D)Product presentations E)Sales training F)None of the above
Multiple Mark….. Help to improve the next event………
Which presentations should be improved upon for our next meeting? Choose all that apply... A)Sales overview B)Marketing C)Promotional literature D)Product presentations E)Sales training
Demographic... A demographic question is used to split the audience by questions,there are some sample choices available however you can use your own if you wish, by entering the value and pressing enter. For example you can ask the audience if they are Male or Female as the first question, throughout the presentation then you will be able to refer back to the demographic for each question to see how many males got the answer correct, how many females got the answer correct and so on. Multiple demographic questions can be used. Another example is to ask the audience to choose which job role they are. Again you easily view the responses received for each question by job role