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Presentation transcript:


EU context The relevance of buildings Cornerstone of EU policy targets Europe 2020: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive growth Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe Quality of life Most of our lifetime is spent inside buildings Challenges to sustainability Plethora of building regulations Regional level National level EU level 80 building assessment systems Confusion among actors Fragmented market Low application rates How to respond to the sustainability challenge for the European built environment? 2

A Europe where a high quality living in a sustainable built environment is the common standard practice responding to EU sustainability challenge through the CESBA Vision 3

1.Create a collective, holistic approach towards European building and neighborhood assessment through harmonized indicators 2.Support initiatives for user friendly incentive systems, regulations and laws on regional, national and European level 3.Impact the construction market with a mass approach, reaching out through certifications harmonized by CESBA 4.Disseminate CESBA to all involved users through certification, training, services Goals of CESBA 4

CESBA is for all people involved in sustainable buildings: End-users Architects and designers Construction SMEs and workers Builders and developers Legislative bodies and policy makers Public administration Energy institutes and providers Universities and research institutions Sustainable building experts CESBA users 5

CESBA principles 1. The user first! Main actor of sustainable building Design, build, operate buildings that meet the users’ requirements CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency

CESBA principles 2. Sustainability Harmonized, complete assessment Three pillars of sustainability CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency Environment EconomySociety

CESBA principles 3. Regional contextualization Local applicability Reflect context features CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency Building culture Climatic conditions Local legislation Benchmarks

CESBA principles 4. Comparability Transnational Key Performance Indicators Building signature CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency

CESBA principles 5. Mass-oriented Deep market reach Wide stakeholder adoption CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency

CESBA principles 6. Simple to use Simplicity fosters dissemination Balance simplicity and scientific/technical value CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency

CESBA principles 7. Open source Bottom-up initiative Low cost, accessible tools Transnational wiki platform Knowledge transfer Networking Free to use CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency

CESBA principles 8. Co-creation Many diverse actors from Europe cooperating on development Wiki grows together with the development of the CESBA initiative New tools and services CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency

CESBA principles 9. Transparency Common, public guideline External independent control Online wiki, open and free CESBA Sprint Workshops CESBA helps harmonize assessment approaches through nine principles: 1.The user first! 2.Sustainability 3.Regional contextualization 4.Comparability 5.Mass-oriented 6.Simple to use 7.Open source 8.Co-creation 9.Transparency

How to define indicators? Use indicators to characterize performance with respect to criteria Choose quantitative or qualitative indicators Harmonizing through comparable approach on: Characterization Normalization Aggregation Harmonizing assessment: methods 15

CESBA Key Performance Indicators Create a common EU base for sustainable building assessment Can be adopted in existing and new assessment systems Facilitate comparability of performance results Completed by Reference Performance Indicators, for further harmonization Holistic CESBA approach works on: Building scale Neighbourhood scale European macro regions scale Harmonizing assessment: KPI 16

Based on Key and Reference Performance Indicators Adaptable to different regions Used as: Guideline for the harmonization of existing assessment tools Research tool, beyond regional standards, facilitating exchange and comparison Starting tool with low entry barrier for regions without existing tools CESBA generic tool 17

Creating a common approach to sustainable building assessment Receiving the CESBA stamp: Compliance of the assessment system with CESBA goals and principles Implementation of CESBA KPI in the assessment tool Integration of the Building Signature in the certificate or label CESBA stamp for harmonization 18

Immediate readability and comparison of results CESBA building signature 19

The CESBA cycle 20 CESBA harmonized indicators Core of the CESBA cycle Applicable to all building assessment tools harmonized with CESBA

CESBA tools and services Application of the indicators in the whole life cycle Service packages e.g. for municipalities Open source training material on the wiki Low-cost, mass oriented, public certification systems The CESBA cycle 21

CESBA building life cycle Whole life cycle Purpose and target Design tendering Planning process Procurement Implementation Commissioning Monitoring and usage until a new definition of goals The CESBA cycle 22

The EU society influences CESBA Needs and values From CESBA to institutions CESBA influences the society Explaining and discussing national, EU policies and laws Medium: CESBA wiki Combination of top-down and bottom-up Dialogue with Society 23

Transnational knowledge hub on assessing sustainability of the built environment Expert exchange, cooperation, interaction Free to join multi-lingual platform Key contents CESBA philosophy and process Performance indicators, existing assessment systems Training materials, service packages EU projects deliverables, partners, ideas CESBA Wiki 24

CESBA further development Free events, open to all Anyone can organize Annual workshops to share results CESBA events and Sprint Workshops 25

CESBA structure Seven levels of commitment Where do you fit on the CESBA pyramid? 26