W OMENTOR B OARD M EETING A THENS, J UNE 2012 Inova Consultancy: Board Member
I NOVA ’ S WOMENTOR- RELATED A CTIVITIES Inova has been a Board Member for Womentor from 2008 to 2012 Involved in several mentoring programmes and initiatives (national in UK & European) Continuing to provide one to one mentoring to women thinking of starting up in business/returning to work Continuing to provide group mentoring (Mentoring Circles™) to women starting up/developing a business/female graduates Disseminated Womentor Federation to all UK and European projects Actively participated in Womentor Skype calls where possible Actively involved in writing bid for We:Mentor Grundtvig proposal We:mentor active partner – developed workshop about best practice in mentoring
SOME E XAMPLES OF I NOVA P ROJECTS IN MORE DETAIL... BIG ERDF Project ( ) Sheffield City Council (UK Project) Enterprise Circles for women starting up in business Focus Groups for women to understand support needs when starting up Personality Profiling (one to one psychometric testing to support women identifying strengths and weaknesses for work/business)
P ROJECT E XAMPLES CONT... Business Link Diversity Guides and Training the Trainers ( ) (Business Link South Yorkshire, UK Project) Developing a set of guides focused on increasing diversity in business support in the UK Developing set of workshops aimed to increase diversity of clients coming to Business Link Training Enterprise Ambassadors to become more aware of diversity issues
P ROJECT E XAMPLES CONT... Eu Return: Innovative Career Development for Women Returners ( ). European Commission-Leonardo da Vinci. Inova managed this European project under the Transfer of Innovation strand and trained trainers in Romania, Denmark, Portugal and Switzerland in the Career Circles methodology as well as delivering Career Circles, workshops and coaching sessions to women returners in the UK.
P ROJECT E XAMPLES CONT … University of Sheffield – Mentoring for students of Medicine ( ) Mentoring Circles for Postgraduate students unsure of career directions Training workshop for mentors and mentees Management and monitoring of programme activities Matching activities
I NOVA ’ S LATEST MENTORING PROJECTS mENTERing ( ) European Commission – Leonardo da Vinci Inova is the UK partner in this European project working with Bulgaria, Greece and Spain, and is responsible for adapting a mentoring handbook for trainers who want to set up mentoring and coaching programmes for potential entrepreneurs across Europe. E-Mentoring Project ( ) European Commission – Leonardo da Vinci Inova is the UK partner in this European project working with Turkey, Bulgaria and Italy and is responsible for developing an e-learning module to train trainers in the skills required for mentoring and coaching individuals wanting to start up their own businesses. Get Mobile ( ) European Commission – Leonardo da Vinci Inova is the Contractor for this project working with Greece, Turkey, Netherlands and Iceland to adapt Mentoring Circles for female unemployed graduates wanting to undertake a placement abroad to improve their employment or self employment opportunities. Inova will develop and deliver a training the training programme for trainers in group coaching/mentoring skills and graduates will receive group and one to one coaching prior to going on a placement abroad. FE:MALE ( ) European Commission – Leonardo da Vinci Inova is training trainers in Cyprus, the Netherlands and Malta in the Mentoring Circles mentoring and coaching methodology aimed at women facing double disadvantage wanting to start up in business.
T HANK Y OU ! For more information on Inova’s Mentoring and Coaching projects and activities: