Regional Innovation Strategy – Wielkopolska Experience Elżbieta Książek Brussels, 17 April 2013
Regional Innovation strategy in Wielkopolska st RIS, FP5 Project New region, innovation – a new issue, regional actors involvement Generation of bottom-up initaitives – limited, but still, implementaion and monitoring – use of EFS action line – 2nd RIS – for Multi-actor process (Working Gruops, Wielkopolsa Council of 30, Intenret consultation, collaboration woth regional authority departments Analyses - new trends in innovation policy
RIS – strategic programmes Innovation in public sector Innovative Public Administrion Innovation culture Partnerships for Innovation Innovation management Innovative Enterprises Effective suppport infrastructure Effective BusinessSupport institutions Knowledge transfer Cooperation of the Research and Economy Skills and creativity Education for Innovation Intraregional differences Pro-innovative Local Government
RIS3 in Wielkopolska RIS2 is still valid- horizontal approach Work on action plan to be used in ROP Identification of: development challenges skills potential for smart growth assets and intersector/intecluster collaboration potential Subregional approach Exploratory approach
KNOW-HUB Learning from/with others 2 topics: smart specialisation strategies effective instruments of innovation policies Tools: peer reviews and peer mentors good practice workshops regional processes with stakeholders
Peer review – issues for Wielkopolska Strenghts: Consistent development of creativity/design to boost traditional sectors Development of new instruments to support innovation: financial tools, cooperation science/business, internationalization, clusters, Advisory support for SMEs. Challenges: In-depth knowledge of the enterprises and the economy Better coordination of innovation intermediaries Good implementation instruments Integration of monitoring and evaluation
GP example – promotion of design in Wielkopolska Public and private initiatives partnerships publications events & exhibitions awards workshops, design centre incubator product development projects
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