Severnbanks Primary School
Contents 1.What we do in are schoolWhat we do in are school 2.Forest schoolsForest schools 3.How many people in our school 4.People in school 5.Teachers 6.Teaching Assistants 7.Mid-Day Supervisors 8.Cleaners/Breakfast Club 9.Pictures Of Our School 10.Our Class 11.Our Lessons 12.Thank you for watchingThank you for watching Click what slide you want then you will go there!! Click the letters!!
The stuff we do in Are school We went to the Lion King in London We go swimming Tag rugby tournaments Football tournaments After school clubs Breakfast club Forest schools. We have a marble jars in our classrooms then when we fill that up we put a big ball in the big marble jar in the hall and we all have a really big treat as a school.
Forest schools Forest schools is a really fun thing to do it is in the woods. We hunt for the big bad wolf or a big bear. You have a grate time there. We make mud pies and mud animals. You even cook there. We learn how to look after our environment and nature. Wow!!
How many in are school? Starlets/nurserey-16 Reception-30 Y1-29 Y2-20 Ash/Y3-29 Hazel/Y4-31 Cherry/Y5-32 Birch/Y6-28 That is 199 all together
Who is in are school Mrs P Howell Headteacher Mr R Johnson Deputy Headteacher Mrs S Poole Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator Mrs J Challenger Pastoral/Behavioural Support Mrs C Hugill School Administrator Mrs C Morgan Bursar Mrs K Newell Specialist Family Nurse Mrs L Gilfillan School Nurse Mrs T O’Halloran Starlets (Pre School) Teacher Mrs C Symonds Reception Teacher
More people Key Stage 1 Miss S. Griffiths Year 1 Teacher Miss O Smith Year 2 Teacher Key Stage 2 Mrs L Golledge Year 3 Teacher Miss N Williams Year 4 Teacher Mrs S Poole Year 5 Teacher Miss H. Buckingham Year 6 Teacher (Key Stage 2 Leader) Key Stage 1/2 Support Miss V Belcher Teacher
More people Mrs J Down Mrs D Fidler Mrs J Heaman Mrs J Howard Mrs P Johnson Mrs R Knox Mrs A Martin Mrs H Payne Mrs L Rees Mrs D Smith Mrs A Tomkins Mrs A Willetts Mrs R Woods Mrs Beard Mrs J Chiswell Mr Mark
Mid-Day Supervisors Mrs P Jones Senior Mid- Day Supervisor Mrs D Hale Mrs N Lambert Mrs S Loew Mrs Y Robins Mrs J Smith Mrs M Page Mrs A Willetts
More people Cleaners Mrs V Meredith Cleaner in Charge Mrs K Davis Mrs Y Robins Mrs V Saint Breakfast Club Miss N Chiswell Mrs S Worgan
Pictures of are school
Are Lessons 1. First we do Math Blast 2.Then we have Assembly 3.Then we have Numeracy 4.After that we have Break 5.Then we do Literacy 6.When then have our lunch 7.After lunch we do topic work or art. On Thursday we do P:E and Tuesday we have French for a bit.
Thank you for watching