Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Foundation for IT Accessibility Annual General Meeting Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 15:00Public activity with stands set up to showcase FITA initiatives in :15Registration 17:30Welcome speech by Mr. Alex Attard, CEO, Malta Information Technology and Training Services Ltd. 17:35Life experience by Ms. Maria Mercieca on her work experience at FITA and her use of ICT in daily life. 17:40Life experience by Mr. John Paul Fenech on ICT Training provided by FITA 17:45Life experience by Rev. Prof.Peter Seracino Inglott on the benefits of assistive ICT and how it improves quality of life 18:00Speech by Honourable Mr. Leo Brincat, Opposition’s shadow minister for Information Technology 18:15Speech by Honourable Mr. Edwin Vassallo, Parliamentary Secretary for Small Business and the Self Employed 18:30Speech by Honourable Dr. Louis Galea, Minister for Education, Youth and Employment 18:45Wine and soft drinks Regretfully not all speaker could make it to the event. Although their absence was felt, we thank them for the attempts they made to realign conflicting commitments.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Service Statistics “ICT business should avail more of accessibility audit services.” Mr. Alex Attard, CEO, MITTS Ltd.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 ICT training courses “I am thankful to FITA and its partners for providing accessible ICT courses and encourage business to do the same.” Mr. John Paul Fenech
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 ECDL training at MCAST From January to June 2007, FITA organized two ECDL Module 4 (MS Word) courses for a total of 14 students. The courses were hosted by the MCAST ICT institute in Paola. The main tutor was provided by the Education’s Adult Training and Evening Courses section. ST Microelectronics provided the support tutors.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 ICT classes at ACCESS
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 ICT classes at ACCESS The MIIIT ICT Society Secretariat helped in organizing ICT classes for disabled persons. These evening courses were held at the ACCESS Computer Technology Learning Centre (CTLC) with the help of the Education Division who provided the main tutor. A support tutor was also provided by MIIIT. These courses were based on the standard MyWeb training material and conformed to FITA ICT training policies. Our most recent ICT courses are placing special emphasis on using computers to improve Maltese literacy skills.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Awareness on E-Inclusion National Commission Disabled Persons “Access to computers thanks to FITA has brought about a significant improvement to my quality of life” Ms. Maria Mercieca
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Awareness on E-Inclusion In 2008 FITA shall again be delivering University course credits in collaboration with the Inclusive Education Unit and Psychology Department at the University of Malta. Guest lecturers include a number of disabled persons who shared ICT experiences related to their respective impairment. In 2007, we also held visits with business representatives and University students in order to raise awareness about the new opportunities made possible through assistive ICT. “The use of ICT to minimise the negative impact of impairments is an increasingly significant topic, in our lives.” Honourable Mr. Leo Brincat
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Empowerment through ICT “The efforts of FITA and its partner organisations in promoting Assistive ICT are delivering tangible results. More business enterprises should seek to support these efforts and in so doing also improve their services.” Honourable Mr. Leo Brincat
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Empowerment through ICT FITA continued to make use of an information and awareness video funded by MIIIT. FITA created this video which concerns the use of ICT by individuals from the six main impairment groups (i.e.: visual, hearing, mobility, intellectual, mental health and hidden impairments). FITA supported KNPD and the University of Malta in the implementation and evaluation of the Moodle On-Line learning platform as part of the Access to Professional Training project. This tool enabled disabled persons to complement standard classes’ education, by means of additional ICT based learning tools.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Educational software in Maltese IN 2007 FITA launched volume 2 in the Nitghallem bil-Kompjuter Series, which focuses on basic maths skills in Maltese MITTS Ltd. provided valuable support through the services of Mr. Joseph Mark Caruana, who is responsible for the software development of these projects. Our future projects include Maltese Literacy software.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Entrepreneurship and employment
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 FITA is coming across an increasing number of disabled individuals who want better opportunities to improve their ICT skills, in order to increase their employability in the ICT sector. FITA is looking into a number of possibilities for the promotion of the necessary training and guidance for disabled persons – training and guidance that matches job opportunities in the ICT industry. Collaboration with Disability NGOs, The Education Division, ETC, Maltaenterprise and the Ministry for Investment, Industry and Information Technology will be critical to the success of this initiative. Entrepreneurship and employment
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 ICT and Disability Research FITA continues to collect statistical information on two major areas: –The us of ICT by disabled persons in partnership with MIIIT and Microsoft Corporation. –The accessibility of Maltese websites in partnership with MITTS and Go.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 PC Refurbishment This initiative is managed in collaboration with the Malta Community Chest Fund and Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund. Our aim is to introduce disabled persons to ICT and enhance their experience in this field, before committing themselves to purchasing new ICT equipment. This initiative is particularly important to FITA in that it is run and managed by disabled persons.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Broadband Internet Onvol and Maltanet are providing offers for disabled customers which generate a lot of positive interest. These initiatives complement ongoing operations at the PC refurbishment workshop by emphasizing the importance of access to information content along with access to ICT equipment.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Mobile Speak Software After assessing local demand for speech technology for mobile phones, FITA negotiated an agreement with Code Factory, Spain enabling the purchase of software licenses at a discount. Add-ons like accessible MP3 players etc are also available through this agreement. Financial savings are passed on directly to the end users.
Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility 11 th December /201 Workplan 2008 Please do share your ideas, views and suggestions?! Empowerment Cooperative (GetResults) Website services E-Inclusion in Employment Maltese speech synthesis Maltese Sign Language Dictionary Publication of Statistics