Zürich, January 28, 2009 ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting Torsten Braun University of Bern, Switzerland
Agenda h —Welcome and introduction of participants —Presentation of new members —Activities and report 2008 —Activities in 2009 – meshed.eu activity – 3rd ERCIM WG eMobility workshop 2009 – others h —Lunch at Restaurant Helvetia h —Presentation & discussion of joint project proposals in FP7 calls 4/5, – please send presentations to —Other project proposals, e.g., COST —Any other business Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 2
Participants Thomas Bohnert, SAP, Torsten Braun, U Bern, Kurt Baumann, SWITCH, Ioannis Komnios, Democritus U Thrace, Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere UT, Jean-Frédéric Wagen, UAS / EIA-FR, Geert Heijenk, U Twente, Javier Poncela, U Malaga, Francisco Barcelo, UP Catalunya, Do van Thanh, NTNU, Robert Bestak, Czech TU, Wim Vanhoof, U Namur, Dimitri Konstantas, U Geneva, Peter Schelkens, VU Brussels, Edmundo Monteiro, U Coimbra, Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 3
Activities in 2008 2 nd ERCIM Workshop on eMobility, Tampere (Finland), May 30, 2008 —Invited Session: Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks and Cooperating Objects: Towards the Internet of Smart Things – Jorge Pereira: From Autonomous to Cooperative Distributed Control: Towards the Internet of Smart Things – Pedro Jose Marron, University of Bonn and Fraunhofer IAIS (CONET): Cooperating Objects: roadmap towards deployment – Gianpaolo Cugola, Politecnico Milano (WASP): Content & Context Aware Routing for Mobile WSNs – Manuel Serrano, ETRA I+D (EMMA): Cooperating objects in the field of Mobility – Markus Taumberger, VTT (POBICOS): A Middleware Platform Enabling Cooperation in the Object Community —Technical Sessions 1. Transport Protocols 2. Multi-Hop Networks 3. Services, User Interfaces and Mobility 1 st International Workshop on Mobile and Kinetic User Interfaces, Fribourg, October 13-14, 2008 — Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 4
Input for Activity Report 2008 Please provide input for 2008 activity report by end of January to —Joint publications —Joint projects/proposals —Events —Mobility actions – Fellows, visitors —Visibility Actions – Articles in ERCIM News – Brochures and other PR Material – Demonstrations —Cooperation with commercial companies —Other activities Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 5
Meshed.eu Activity initiated by Peter Dely (Karlstad U) and Thomas Staub (U Bern, Common web portal on European wireless mesh test-beds —Test-bed architectures and used hardware —Developed software, – e.g., operating systems, management software, emulation —Publications —Related work —… list to be announced to ERCIM WG eMobility members Related activity: The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 6
3rd ERCIM WG eMobility Workshop 2009 May 27, 2009 at Twente, co-located with WWIC 2009 Format: —Invited sessions with talks on – related European NoEs, e.g. Content (responsible: Edmundo Monteiro) – Internet of Things / collaborting objects (Jorge Perreira, to be contacted by Torsten Braun) – Car-to-Car communications (responsible: Thomas Bohnert, Geert Heijenk) —Technical contributions – primarily from ERCIM WG eMobility members with (full), short, abstract papers (12 / 6 / 1-2 pages) —Brainstorming session for EU FP7 ICT Call 5 Dates —Paper submission: March 30, 2009 —Author notification: April 19, 2009 —Camera-ready versions and registration: May 1, 2009 Organization of paper submission and reviews via edas (to be set up by Geert Heijenk) Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 7
3 rd ERCIM eMobility Workshop Topics 2009 Future mobile applications, e.g. medical applications, multimedia, mobile learning, telematics Mobile application support such as coding, content distribution and adaptation User interfaces of mobile devices and applications Ubiquitous, pervasive, and context-aware computing and communications Location-based services Mobile Peer-to-Peer Security including trust and authentication Runtime adaptation Software development for mobile devices Wireless access networks Mobile ad-hoc and wireless mesh networks Sensor networks Wireless experimentation and test networks Simulation methods and tools for wireless networks Mobility management, roaming, and handover support Quality-of-Service and traffic engineering Transport protocols and congestion control in wireless networks Cross-layer protocol design Energy-efficient protocol mechanisms User interaction for mobile devices Vehicular and car-to-car communication Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 8
Other Activities ERCIM Fellowships ERCIM News Articles —Special issue on “Future Wireless Internet” to be organized by Torsten Braun —Could serve as a basis for a book, e.g. LNCS Reports on activities in IEEE CommMag Newsletter Special issues in journals to be organized on a specific topic by individual members Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 9