Zürich, January 28, 2009 ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting Torsten Braun University of Bern, Switzerland


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Presentation transcript:

Zürich, January 28, 2009 ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting Torsten Braun University of Bern, Switzerland

Agenda  h —Welcome and introduction of participants —Presentation of new members —Activities and report 2008 —Activities in 2009 – meshed.eu activity – 3rd ERCIM WG eMobility workshop 2009 – others  h —Lunch at Restaurant Helvetia  h —Presentation & discussion of joint project proposals in FP7 calls 4/5, – please send presentations to —Other project proposals, e.g., COST —Any other business Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 2

Participants  Thomas Bohnert, SAP,  Torsten Braun, U Bern,  Kurt Baumann, SWITCH,  Ioannis Komnios, Democritus U Thrace,  Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere UT,  Jean-Frédéric Wagen, UAS / EIA-FR,  Geert Heijenk, U Twente,  Javier Poncela, U Malaga,  Francisco Barcelo, UP Catalunya,  Do van Thanh, NTNU,  Robert Bestak, Czech TU,  Wim Vanhoof, U Namur,  Dimitri Konstantas, U Geneva,  Peter Schelkens, VU Brussels,  Edmundo Monteiro, U Coimbra, Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 3

Activities in 2008  2 nd ERCIM Workshop on eMobility, Tampere (Finland), May 30, 2008 —Invited Session: Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks and Cooperating Objects: Towards the Internet of Smart Things – Jorge Pereira: From Autonomous to Cooperative Distributed Control: Towards the Internet of Smart Things – Pedro Jose Marron, University of Bonn and Fraunhofer IAIS (CONET): Cooperating Objects: roadmap towards deployment – Gianpaolo Cugola, Politecnico Milano (WASP): Content & Context Aware Routing for Mobile WSNs – Manuel Serrano, ETRA I+D (EMMA): Cooperating objects in the field of Mobility – Markus Taumberger, VTT (POBICOS): A Middleware Platform Enabling Cooperation in the Object Community —Technical Sessions 1. Transport Protocols 2. Multi-Hop Networks 3. Services, User Interfaces and Mobility  1 st International Workshop on Mobile and Kinetic User Interfaces, Fribourg, October 13-14, 2008 — Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 4

Input for Activity Report 2008  Please provide input for 2008 activity report by end of January to —Joint publications —Joint projects/proposals —Events —Mobility actions – Fellows, visitors —Visibility Actions – Articles in ERCIM News – Brochures and other PR Material – Demonstrations —Cooperation with commercial companies —Other activities Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 5

Meshed.eu  Activity initiated by Peter Dely (Karlstad U) and Thomas Staub (U Bern,  Common web portal on European wireless mesh test-beds —Test-bed architectures and used hardware —Developed software, – e.g., operating systems, management software, emulation —Publications —Related work —…  list to be announced to ERCIM WG eMobility members  Related activity: The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 6

3rd ERCIM WG eMobility Workshop 2009  May 27, 2009 at Twente, co-located with WWIC 2009  Format: —Invited sessions with talks on – related European NoEs, e.g. Content (responsible: Edmundo Monteiro) – Internet of Things / collaborting objects (Jorge Perreira, to be contacted by Torsten Braun) – Car-to-Car communications (responsible: Thomas Bohnert, Geert Heijenk) —Technical contributions – primarily from ERCIM WG eMobility members with (full), short, abstract papers (12 / 6 / 1-2 pages) —Brainstorming session for EU FP7 ICT Call 5  Dates —Paper submission: March 30, 2009 —Author notification: April 19, 2009 —Camera-ready versions and registration: May 1, 2009  Organization of paper submission and reviews via edas (to be set up by Geert Heijenk) Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 7

3 rd ERCIM eMobility Workshop Topics 2009  Future mobile applications, e.g. medical applications, multimedia, mobile learning, telematics  Mobile application support such as coding, content distribution and adaptation  User interfaces of mobile devices and applications  Ubiquitous, pervasive, and context-aware computing and communications  Location-based services  Mobile Peer-to-Peer  Security including trust and authentication  Runtime adaptation  Software development for mobile devices  Wireless access networks  Mobile ad-hoc and wireless mesh networks  Sensor networks  Wireless experimentation and test networks  Simulation methods and tools for wireless networks  Mobility management, roaming, and handover support  Quality-of-Service and traffic engineering  Transport protocols and congestion control in wireless networks  Cross-layer protocol design  Energy-efficient protocol mechanisms  User interaction for mobile devices  Vehicular and car-to-car communication Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 8

Other Activities  ERCIM Fellowships  ERCIM News Articles —Special issue on “Future Wireless Internet” to be organized by Torsten Braun —Could serve as a basis for a book, e.g. LNCS  Reports on activities in IEEE CommMag Newsletter  Special issues in journals to be organized on a specific topic by individual members Zürich, January 28, 2009 Torsten Braun: ERCIM WG eMobility Meeting 9