OpenUp! Technology Developments Anton Güntsch (FUB-BGBM) Gavin Malarky (NHM) & Gerda Koch (AIT) Heimo Rainer (NHMW) Freie Universität Berlin Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
The OpenUp! information flow (as planned in the DoW) BioCASE Harvester OAI-PMH Harvester ABCD ESE EDM
The OpenUp! information flow (after year 1) BioCASE Harvester OAI-PMH Harvester ABCD ESE EDM
Main Developments in year 2 Content, content, content – Connecting all partners – Solving individual problems of data providers – Semantic enrichment Hardening of services – Bugfixing – Improved configurations – Revised service interfaces
Thanks to the TMG! AIT, BGBM, GBIF, IBSAS, Kew, MfN, MRAC, NHM, NHMW, UH Content WPs and helpdesk now participating in weekly TMG-calls Documentation of TMG-results on – the OpenUP! TMG-pages (technical) – The OpenUp! Helpdesk-pages (user-friendly)
Outlook - The final year More content Improved semantic enrichment and semantic integration Sustainability of the OpenUp! components and information flow
Outlook - The final year More content Improved semantic enrichment and semantic integration Sustainability of the OpenUp! components and information flow!