The economic situation for SMEs: is the financial crisis behind? Gerhard Huemer Brussels, 28 May 2011
About UEAPME UEAPME is the European Craft and SME association: Representing 12 million SMEs from 35 Countries in Europe 84 European (branches) and national (horizontal) members UEAPME is one of the four European Social Partners UEAPME exists because 99.8% of all enterprises are SMEs about 2/3 of private jobs are provided by SMEs 80% of legislation and regulations effecting SMEs come from Europe
Positive Business Climate Development, but increasing drift in Europe‘s economy
Construction sector hit hardest by economic crisis Manufactoring and business services recovered relative quick
Micro firms‘ employment more stable: The larger company, the higher variance in employment
Rue Jacques de Lalaing 4 B-1040 Brussels T: F: E: W: Thank you for your attention! More information on the SME Barometer can be found at: Gerhard Huemer