1 European Social Dialogue Agreement on Silica (NEPSi) -Update – Claire Lanne, IMA-Europe SSDCEI meeting, 6 September 2013
2 1. Future operation of NEPSI Request to the European Commission for support for a yearly 1- day meeting NEPSI signatories official letter, sent to Mr Tricart, copy to Mr Schöbel, Mr Ziegler on 27 August Need for such an annual NEPSI Council meeting to steer and plan all the activities - the signatories have no other discussion platform -Not a project, SDA is a continuous exercise, on the longer term -Possibility to link it to an existing Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (SSDC), if an extra meeting day is allocated, as of Limited costs (only a room + interpretation in EN-FR-DE) -Highlights of the signatories’ share in the SDA implementation efforts -No setting of a precedent: NEPSI is “unique” SSDC Extractive Industries support letter, sent to Mr Tricart, copy to Mr Wisniewski on 27 August Encourage Commission’s efforts especially for a one-day meeting -Support the link with the SSDCEI, but one extra meeting day needed
3 Grant request submitted to European Commission on 20 June 2013 DG EMPL Budget Line Industrial relations and social dialogue Call for Proposals VP/2013/001 Amount of EC grant requested: € (total project € ) Applicant and mono-beneficiary: IMA-Europe Supporting EU social partner organisation: IndustriALL 16 Associate organisations: Employees: industriAll-European Trade Union Employers: GlassFibreEurope (Glass Fibre), BIBM (Precast Concrete), CAEF (Foundry), CEEMET (Metal, Engineering and Technology-Based Industries), CEMBUREAU (Cement), CERAME-UNIE (Ceramics), EMO (Mortar), EUROMINES (Mining), EUROROC (Natural Stones), ESGA (Special Glass), EXCA (Expanded Clay), FEVE (Container Glass), Glass for Europe (Flat Glass), UEPG (Aggregates) 2. SDA effectiveness project: status
4 Objective Gathering concrete evidence of the effectiveness of the agreement and assessing its success on the ground Method Collection of data on the effectiveness of control measures 1.circulate a questionnaire with information on measurement results and compilation of a guide of anonymous examples in all sectors and 2.select a number of critical task sheets and make intervention studies on site: exposure measurements before / after (with/without engineering controls) = targeted projects Expected outcomes Report on intervention studies; Booklet of effective good practices and shared experiences, from both employers and employees, practical case studies 3. SDA effectiveness project: content
5 Timeline Reporting for all sites: 15 January – 15 March 2014 Communication campaign during autumn 2013 Reporting system remains unchanged Financing of the Reporting NEPSI Employers’ provision 4. NEPSI 2014 Reporting