ESS Architecture TF 30 January 2013 ITEM 1 - Context.


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Presentation transcript:

ESS Architecture TF 30 January 2013 ITEM 1 - Context

Objectives Update on the context related to ESS EA Open discussion and exchange of views

Outline: DIME/ITDG discussion on ESS EA and AS IS review Sponsorship and ESSnet on Standardisation ESS.VIP programme Schenvening discussions and Vision 2.0 TF CSPA ITDG IT principles…

1) DIME/ITDG discussion on ESS EA Presentation and discussion in DIME plenary Feb 2013 Vision principles and strategic direction for implementation Need of business architecture as a reference model To be state conceptual model Federated approach of architecture Level of integration (autonomous, standardisation, sharing tools, sharing process ) TF on ESS EA Country visits Recommendations The level of abstraction remains too high; it requires an articulation between National and European business architectures to deal with diversity among MS; The level of integration has to be elaborated. The current “to be state” gives the impression of a fully federated system. The desired level of integration should depend on the process step and take subsidiarity into account (might need political blessing).

1) DIME/ITDG SG discussion on ESS EA and ESS.VIP in Dec 2013 Presentation and discussions on Vision 2.0 process ESS.VIP status Need for "as is review "and questionnaire Proposal to set up a TF with focused mandate "As is" analysis Identification of architecture building block in NSIs Recommendations In the short term, need of description of landscape of international and European modernisation initiatives, check consistency and rationale Review what happens in the countries (as-is situation and on-going modernisation initiatives) After May ESSC meeting, DIME/ITDG should be involved in study of feasibility of implementation of Vision 2.0 and roadmap to the "to-be state" Creation of TF to prepare the as-is studies using as a framework EA and start networking.

1) Discussion DIME/ITDG SG Dec 2013 – PROS and CONS of ESS EA 1. Detect modernisation projects at national level – Eurostat to visit NSIs to identify needs for formulating objectives relevant at national and European level 2. Assessing what is the situation in the countries (implementation of standards in countries and Eurostat) 3. Exchange methods and tools (focus on our competences) – Vision 1.0 principles – inventory of methods and tools (e.g. role of SERV – do not postpone key relevant projects serving the original objectives of the Vision 1.0) 4. Use results of the sponsorship on standardisation 5. Re-use available "things" 6. Be pragmatic – start already now the work in selected domains (e.g. exchange microdata in tourism, migration – but consider legal/privacy national frameworks) 7. Inventory of what has been done and what has to be finalised – to answer how and what we need to move towards the targets – capitalise on work done in the last years (e.g. harmonisation, streamlining actions, integration, standards, metadata) 8. Differentiate the strategy (on the basis of informed decisions) 9. DIME/ITDG could facilitate by drawing the whole picture – organise information, initiatives, explain rationale 10. Continue to develop tools and standards and do not wait for the Vision 2.0 "to be state" 11. DIME/ITDG could help validate the roadmap from "as is" towards "to be" state – but it is paramount to understand quickly where we are today 12. What is necessary to be ready for a modular organisation of production processes – work at global level – help to facilitate the global process 13. Share information on on-going initiatives – focused collection of information inside and outside ESS (links) – global view Cons 1. Wait for the outcome of the TF Vision 2.0 (get clear notion on what the Vision will be) 2. Legacy, domain oriented experts, difficulties to integrate the output of 3. Decisions are required at high level (directors general, politicians) before starting 4. Complexity: how to combine all elements (constraints, international initiatives, needs, …) 5. Lack of a clear "to be state" from Vision 1.0 6. Unknowns – "to be state" Vision 2.0; "as is" 7. Vision 1.0 "to be state" too integrated/centralised Issues 1. Vision 2.0 horizon 2020 / 5 year statistical programme / long term objectives 2. Scope: integrate dissemination, quality assurance and competitiveness ESS 3. Collaboration: domain dependent, different stages of production (GSBPM), sharing (tools, methods but in a more systematic way, people, financial resources - or human expertise, activities/tasks – centres of competence) – already advanced in some areas, less in others – collect info to populate a matrix on potential collaboration/exchange 4. Cooperation with other statistical actors (private, …) 5. Level of collaboration: output / processes / exchange data and tasks / responsibility for statistics in Europe 6. Emphasis on users' needs 7. Requirements: flexibility, timeliness, rapid answer, global aspects

2) Sponsorship and ESSnet on Standardisation Sponsorship on Standardisation pillar II : frameworks Definition of a standard Standardisation process and RASCI analysis Reference Business architecture and integration levels SWOT framework to measure impact of standards Sponsorship on Standardisation recommendations and follow up Architectural framework Adopt an architectural framework for standardisation Further work done by the ESSnet on Standardisation I. DIME1 has decided to establish a Taskforce on architecture and in the ESS.VIP program several architecture-related activities are defined, especially in the cross-cutting projects. All of these initiatives will need to be coordinated at ESS level and, to be most effective, coordination at global level should also be pursued. A special effort should be made to explain architectural concepts to a wide audience to avoid that it remains a toy for specialists only Organise who is responsible for what on architectural framework (the ESSnet will not have a leading role)

2) Sponsorship and ESSnet on Standardisation Sponsorship on Standardisation recommendations and follow up Interoperability and applicability Emphasise interoperability aspects of standards and other normative documents and assure their applicability through clear interfaces and harmonised metadata. The necessary interfaces and harmonised metadata should be developed. Preferably, a general approach for interface description is developed and a corresponding metadata language is put in place. Priority is for standard setting (no further specific action needed) ESSnet on Standardisation I et II ESSnet I : WP2 Del 3 : Proposal for a business architecture (draft) ESSnet II : promotion and communication on architecture

3) ESS.VIP programme Nov 2012 – May 2013 ESS.VIP.BUS ESSC endorsed the ESS.VIP programme 4 business projects launched SIMSTAT ESBRs Validation ICT 3 business projects under preparation PRIX ADMIN NAPS ESS.VIP IT TF dealing with IT issues related to ESS.VIP 2 meetings dedicated to SIMSTAT Jun 2013 – Sept 2013 ESS.CRC DIME ITDG SG discussion on CRC issues IMS ESDEN SERV DW Two phase approach discussed with PG PoC , studies Planning and Execution Sept 2013 DGINS retreat in Scheveningen ESSC decision Task Force on Vision 2.0 Need for Infrastructure limited to 4 BUS requirements Alignment of the ESS.VIP with the vision Coordination with the on-going international initiatives As of today ESS.VIP.BUS TF on ESS validation endorsed by ESSC Nov 13 3 remaining projects frozen (PRIX, NAPS-S, ADMIN) ESS.VIP.CRC ESDEN Network for SIMSTAT FS for other networks SERV PoC of CSPA Guidelines for service (CSPA) FS platforms IMS studies on best use of existing data and metadata standards

4) Vision 2.0 TF process Step 1 Nov 13 Inception Work programme 4 groups/tracks for reflection Step 2 Nov – Dec 13 Diagnosis SWOT analysis Vision 1.0 Trust Governance Scenarios DGINS retreat (Prague) Scope Issues Test cases Level of ambitions Step 3 Jan - Apr 14 Elaboration New topics Needs and drivers Quality assurance New data source (BD) Dissemination and comm Framework for identifying opportunity and priorities DGINS retreat (Rome) Step 4 : ESSC May Report TF Vision 2.0 Next steps ? Detailed "to be state" ESS.VIP roadmap revisited New business cases formation and project prioritisation

5) CSPA : Common Statistical Production Architecture UNECE HLG Project in 2013 CSPA V1.0 released end December 2013 To serve as an industry standard architecture for statistical organizations. Provides principles and guidance to standardize and combine the components of statistical production, regardless of where the statistical services are built Proof of Concept: "wrapping" existing solutions UNECE HLG Project in 2014 Development of CSPA Services Registry of service Training and documentation (guidelines and hands-on)

6) ITDG : ESS IT principles Discussion in SISAI 2013 on IT principles Review of 3 type of principles (governance, business, IT) The targeted ESS IT principles are only a part of an ESS EA and it would beneficial to develop them in synergy with a ESS business architecture The ESS IT principles should focus on principles that can impact IT solution design at ESS level and not focus on "nice to have" principles The level of granularity of the principles should be adapted to the scope No further work since then