1 IRIS Europe II – Implementation of River Information Services in Europe This project is co-funded by the European Commission / DG-TREN / TEN-T A project implemented by the IRIS Europe Consortium The European Union's TEN-T programme supporting …
Budapest RIS key technologies (The first thoughts) and Quality of RIS services
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 3 35 november 2010 RIS Key technologies and their harmonised use in RIS services Why this paper? Common issues meeting 2009 Request of Ivo ten Broeke European wide harmonised implementation of RIS requires common approach in application of RIS key technologies Avoid “misuse” of RIS key-technologies leading to frustration of users IRIS Europe II QoIS Update of the PIANC RIS guidelines
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 4 novemb er 2010 RIS key technologies Inland AIS, Notices to Skippers, Electronic Reporting and Inland ECDIS Other technologies Radar VHF Internet ….
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 5 5 november 2010 Character of the RIS information services Type of information Communication method Sensitivity of the information Direction of the information flow Volume of the information that need to be transferred Requirements on the age of the information More?
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 6 5 november 2010 First Draft
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 7 Draft Recommendations The EC is recommended to base the use of RIS key technologies on the balancing as provided in the above table. a pre-condition to the projects funded by the European projects The RIS authorities and their RIS providers are recommended to base the use of RIS key technologies on the balancing as provided in the table.
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 8 Quality of RIS But, how to determine and define the quality aspects of RIS-Key-technology and RIS-services?
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 9 Example of need for Quality Guidelines The future of Vessel Traffic Management in the NL Setting up vessel traffic management in 2015 in NL (PL Mr. Cas Willems) Direct relation between VTM, calamity abatement, lock planning, E-Reporting, Vessel Tacking & Tracing, Inland ENC services National necessity for quality requirements is one thing, internationally it is even more important.
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 10 VCM ’s ’s OR3: Ligplaatsbeleidsplan AO3: Verkeersbeleid en regels AO3: Verkeersbeleid en regels Nautische veranderopgave Nautische veranderopgave Internationale ontwikkelingen Internationale ontwikkelingen IDVV 2: Informatiediensten op schepen (IDoS) IDVV 2: Informatiediensten op schepen (IDoS) Projects providing input Project to provide output Example projects Pre-conditional projects and developments VTM Future Corridor oriented operations Mobile Information services International Developments Rules and legislation Natuical resource management Calamity abatement organisation Management scenarios Planning of waitting places ENCs Remote control Locks, bridges FIS AIS shoreinfra EMIS VOS VTS Scheldt VTM vision Rotterdam TC future (Roads) LIVRA
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 11 Activity 4 Scope issue Business processes not standardized Information elements supplied by RIS service not all standardized 40 Quality aspects * 70 RIS Services * 10 information elements (avg) per service * xx business processes * yy organizational settings * zz navigational unique area’s …… etc = n dimensional array with 10000’s of quality aspects to explore Scope had to be limited to a useful and workable subset of Services and Quality aspects to cover
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 12 Selected RIS Services ERI: STI.4 Presentation of vessel's characteristics STI.5 Presentation of cargo's characteristics LBM.2.1 / PTM 2.1 ETAs of approaching vessels FIS: FIS.6 Temporary obstructions in the fairway FIS.7 Present and future water levels at gauges VTT: TTI.1 Presentation of own vessel's position TTI.2 Presentation of other vessel's position VTS.3 / CAS.2 Assessment of traffic situation
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 13 Selected quality aspects Availability Ability to use data and facilities (hardware, software, network/communication facilities etc) Correctness Accuracy Deviation from real world (information content) Age Time passed by since measurement or creation (information age) No further choices made on limiting the scope irt Navigational conditions Traffic conditions Business processes to cover Information elements supplied by the service
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 14 Scope of QoIS within information chain
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 15 Evaluation Peer reviews with expert groups Workshops with Belgium authorities (central and Flemish) Workshop with harbor authorities Workshop with DE Workshop focused on calamity handling (NL en BE, Evegem) Workshop within Rijkswaterstaat addressing “Mission Critical Systems” and “Processes vitally/critically important for society”
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 16 Current status, September 2010 (1) SuAc 4 Meetings: - 9 April 2010 Budapest, 1 June 2010 Rotterdam, - 23/24 September 2010 Varna (BG), - 20 January 2011 Vienna There is mutual understanding of the challenges and importance of this topic and the first results are promising Time has come to share findings with expert groups (chairmen) Evaluation approach to be finalized upon in coming months
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 17 Jos van Splunder Rijkswaterstaat The Netherlands
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 18 Figures of availability
Project is co-funded by the European Union (EC / DG-TREN / TEN-T) © IRIS Europe II I 19 Graphical representation of availability